Which Angel Can Help Me?

i want to be a better person and make my parents trust me more is there an angel that can help

First, define what you mean by “better person.”

Once you know what being better means for you, we can more accurately recommend a spirit for you.


i want to be more confident with myself and have courage

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I know a spell for that. Get a bloodstone (its a root chakra stone found in metaphyiscal shops, just google metaphysical shops near me and support your local businesses) and some black pepper essential oil, you can also use fresh ground black pepper for this.

Hold the bloodstone in your recieving hand, the one you don’t use as often. Have your black pepper ready to go in your dominant hand. Calm your body, relax fully. If you need to drink tea or take a bath in order to get there go for it. Maybe after exercise, its irrelevant just so long as youre calm and focused.

Close your eyes and envision a red energy emanating from the stone. Sit with that for a bit, then visualize the red energy seeping into your arm and travelling up to your heart. Sit with that, then visualize the red energy cascading from your heart into the base of your tail bone. Sit with that. Focus on your breath, with each breath envision this red energy glowing brighter and brighter.

Keep breathing, keep the energy in your tailbone area as you add the black pepper onto the bloodstone. Smell the black pepper in concert with this feeling you’ve cultivated with this visualization. As you take in the scent, visualize the red energy whipping around you as a mighty cyclone. Sit with that. Really take your time, at least 30 seconds. Perform this action for a week & you’ll start to see a difference. When things get hectic, recall of the scent of black pepper & your red cyclone.

This is a way to deflect negativity coming at you to protect your energy. It removes self doubt, which untethers the courage already inside you. I’ve gotten a lot out of this spell during court cases & other stressful situations. I found it to be especially helpful when I visualized the cyclone to be very very near my body, so nobody else could occupy it.

Also, I’d recommend journaling each night before bed. Share what youre grateful for, your life your health, your circulatory system …theres plenty of things to be grateful for once you start drawing your focus there. What you focus on, grows. The attitude of gratitude goes a long way. The change starts within you, and those around you will be forced to adapt to this new version of yourself. Wishing you the best. Thank you.