Where’s da gemstones

Hello fellow ppl of the internet, it’s your favorite person… me of course! I was just wondering where some of you guys got your gemstones (store wise). I’m on a low budget so include any decent cheap ones but include all you got pretty please. Thanks to all of u lovely lovely ppl in advance!

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Well there is a nice gem thread, hope that helps.


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I use the Wish app. They’re often free, just pay for shipping.


Good app, usually deceptive pictures :thinking:

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Lololol yep, you have def used the app.

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I second the ebay, just make sure you check your measurements. I once bought a pyramid that was supposed to be five inches, turned out to be five centimeters. >_> was not happy.

Aliexpress.com also has nice gemstones you can ask to buy samples from some of the sellers.