What to imagine in Kabalistic Cross of LBRP?

I know this is silly, but i have read many LBRP guides and i found none of them clear on what to imagine from the moment you say ah-tah till the moment you say ve-gedulah. can someone explain it detailed?

When saying each word, concentrate on its meaning. The sentence, from Atah to Ve-Gedulah, means “Yours are the Kingdom, Power and Glory”.
Also, at the beginning you may imagine to grow so much that you’re towering high above Earth, Sun etc. Raise your right (or maybe dominant as well) hand and with index, or middle and index fingers, touch a sphere of light above you. Lower your hand, touching forehead (that’s when you vibrate ah-tah) and during all of that the light descends into you. It fills your body and at the end of Kabbalistic Cross, when you stretch your arms, it’s almost as if you become a (both horizontally and vertically) endless cross of light.

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So i don’t have to imagine the light going any specific place, just filling my whole body?

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I believe this video goes into pretty extensive depth:

Myself more often than not I end up doing the LBRP outside in the AM, and will typically point my fingers at the sun as a symbolic action (the sun representing the divine) while visualizing that I pull that energy to my forehead.

In other case I just visualize the sun in the east.


All of your cells, but the light also continues its way below your feet and “surpassing” shoulders/arms/hands. So it goes infinitely towards down, left and right.

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