What the fuck did I see?

Sounds like a Jinn to me. It’s not that they’re shadows they just absorb all light there’s no translucency to them.


Why did it feel so utterly terrifying, though? I want to know whether it was hostile.

Also, could this be related to the fact that I rarely close doors that I open? Which I know sounds stupid, but I’ve been doing that because I fear shutting the door on something like a demon I’m working with that I want to continue to allow to be in my life.

@anon8398376 That does sound accurate. This thing was 100% opaque, absolutely no translucency to it.


Would you have been as terrified if it was called upon and didn’t startle you as a surprise?

The startle response raises your adrenaline and anxiety level so assess if that’s where the fear is coming from or if it was it’s energy.


@Nomad Honestly I really don’t know. In terms of appearance, if I purposefully called it and saw it, I’d probably be afraid in the sense of “holy shit what the fuck did I just do, this can’t be real”, but not in the sense of being terrified that I’m in some kind of life-threatening situation.

I also think that the fact that I was paralyzed didn’t help. I felt like a trapped animal, which I suppose was an accurate description of me during that time.


Shadow people are elementals. Embodiments of dark energy. Many of them reside with Nyx or Kauket or other various dark energy deities.

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@Velenos Are they hostile?

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Depends, shadow people are very transparent entities ones with red eyes are often hostile, blue (or white) eyes are often curious and white (or blue) are usually benevolent in nature.

So when their eyes flicker it gives away their intentions.


This entity was solid black, so if it had eyes, they were also black. Does that mean anything?


Could of been hiding them, but shadow people tend to come in various forms. Some have features while others don’t so they resemble simple shadows or featureless dark forms. The latter are usually “lesser” shadow people in that means their energy body isn’t as far along as the ones that have features to their forms.


@Velenos Ever hear of skinwalkers?


Yeah, they often use the voice of those close to you to lure you towards them, but skinw@lkers are more physical and take the form of animals but with human eyes and their human form often have animal eyes.

I’ve heard some modern Navajo people tell their experiences that may or may not have been related to them.


@anon8398376 What made you think of them? This piques my interest because of the obvious connection between skinwalkers and shapeshifting, the latter being something I’m inextricably connected to.


I’ve heard them described the way @anon48079295 described the elementals by Chippewa natives. And the way he just described them from Lakotas


Hm. For when this happens, is there something I can do to release myself from sleep paralysis without waking up? If I could do this, it seems logical that I should just ask the apparition directly what it is, if I see it again.

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Stay calm.


This sounds like a shadow person or maybe a djinn… happened to me before too.

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You can separate from your body during sleep paralysis by trying a few techniques, like:

  • Trying to levitate out of your body, or trying to sink out of it, i.e. through the bed towards the floor
  • Trying to produce the feeling of rotating on a vertical (head to toe) axis, and/or trying to roll sideways out of your physical body
  • “Phantom wiggling” your hands, feel, limbs, etc., as in imagining you’re wiggling or moving your hands around without physically instructing your muscles to move, to get some movement in your subtle body, and then proceeding to climb out of your body
  • Imagining that a rope is dangling from the ceiling and you grasp it and climb out of your body.

Note that if you’re not used to it then you will need to absolutely strain your subtle body/brain to the best of your ability to achieve separation.

Alternatively if you want to emerge from sleep paralysis into wakefulness, you should deliberately change your breathing pattern (start consciously breathing slowly and deeply), which will be the trigger to tell your brain that you’re actually awake and your body can exit paralysis.

As to what it is; I can’t say. I’ve had experiences with shadow people of a similar kind before – a human-shaped silhouette so black that it absorbs all light, and is blacker than the shadows around it. Occasionally I will encounter them in paralysis/the hypnagogic state but in much less substantial form. Only once have I been actually frightened by one, over a decade ago, when it appeared unexpectedly.

Interesting reading this thread in that I’ve never heard them described as possibly being Djinn before. Can’t comment on that personally. But you could certainly try separating from your body and speaking to it.


When i had sleep paralysis for the first time , i was dreaming of walking some stair , suddenly this dark shape with woman silhouette and no eyes got at my and started strangling me .
I “woke up” seeing my room , couldn’t move or scream and she was still on me .
I repeted i want to break free , i want to break free and she eventually faded
I could barely regain my breath , my neck hurt and i was all swathing
Never seen here before after that

On the other time , when i was OBE on my right appeared a shadow woman silhouette again , but she has silver eyes and a kind look , she had a crown on her head .

I am curious too about their origins


It’s always entertaining seeing one or more entities scuttling across the wall or ceiling. Welcome to the WTF did I just see? club!

Some replies already about being able to move and how to do so. My question to you is, who cares? What I mean by this is, unless you want to wake up, which you’ve said is not your intent, who cares if you can move? I would instead use my energy for conversation, defense or attack. Instead of fighting the paralysis, ignore it for the terrorizing distraction it is and focus on the entity itself.

Alternatively you could beef up your dwelling or bedroom wards/shields etc to attempt to prevent this from happening again in the first place.


Well that sorta explains something I been wondering since I was about 3 years old…