What is this stone?

Yeah, you can’t see through them. I believe they are blue iron ore slag glass like Woodsman said. I thought at one point that the bubbly green one might be Adder Stone mentioned in old English folk traditions, but it’s likely the same stuff.

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This is the stuff I’ve been describing as cloudy quartz-like stuff. These had been discovered as arrowheads by a stream, but the stone is very common in my area. It might be something else entirely.


First glance. I would say limestone.


Doesn’t limestone have a more powdery matte finish though? Barite, Calcite, and Dolomite look closer though. I’ll look at more photos. The arrow head rock is shiny and light passes through all but the dense middle without being clear. I have a big rough piece I can post for better identification.


Well that’s why I said first glance. With the new picture, I would say you’re more then likely right. It is more likely one of those three.