What is it like to have sex with a demon/spirit?

No sleep paralysis doesn’t happen to me very often now, I kind of related that to parasites.
And it honestly drained me so much.
Now I have no sleep paralysis and I don’t feel drained all the time, but things are even better then before. It happens normally.
Usually when I am alone but it already happened when people are with me and they get a bit scared, because they can obviously see that something is happening, they just don’t know what.
I think the worst was me in bed just after waking up one morning, when I was going to get up the girl I was sleeping with just saw what it looked like nails scratching my back and… Well she got a bit traumatised and never spoke to me ever since.


Lucifer is a solid bet, Lilith as well, but like the real lilith not the feminist wanna be.

Also humans are fun too, and you can have profound experiences sexually with them, its called tantra and its a beyond explanation.

For me the human tantra feels more real and I my mind doesnt talk me out of the experience like it does with spirits.

Overall no one can tell you what its like because its an individual and intimate experience, the closest you can get is reading some erotica novels, but I recommend just summoning them and doing the deed. Dont over think this stuff.


I’ve never understood how someone can manage to do anything “kinky” with a spirit unless they project to them or something.

Like I have a spirit companion (who is also a lover) but even with her it’s more of an energetic act that feels somewhat physical (although in rare moments she has been quite physical) – but nothing ever “kinky”…


There are physical events at times.
Its just too much energy and too much belief, but it does happen. Kinky or not.
Usually not kinky at all, I have a big belief that no spirit worth the salt is going to physically appear to have sex with a human being.


Well for me, the most physical things get is me feeling her “weight” on top of me/bed, and her energy feeling semi physical but even then it’s more like dense energy then an actual physical sensation.

There was the time when I first connected to her and she was very physical during that time (hearing footsteps, something smacked the bed when I was on it, other paranormal stuff) but that was probably to establish a solid connection. Like it only lasted a few months – then things leveled out.

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It seems like there is a tendency there… Almost as if they knew that without that it’s hard for our brain to cope with “invisibility” so to say…
But once you build up a good relation with said spirit its not needed anymore…
Although I must admit it never really stopped with me, there’s just phases…

Well my relationship with her is still young. She’s been with me for alittle over a year now. Well that’s how long we’ve been connected technically, she’s been around me since i was young…

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:yum: It’s been over 8 for me…

Oh interesting! You said there’s phases? What type of spirit is with you? It seems everyone who has a spirit companion is either with some sort of demon or an Ubi. My lady is most likely fae.

But yes I could say the same…
Some of us have spirits around us since we are children.
Or at least you can remember the signs.
When you grow up they are always with you and perhaps it’s the remembrance of those signs that makes you go further.

Yep, I’ve had many signs throughout my life. Dreams, various paranormal phenomenon, etc. Then eventually I went about trying to connect to her, and was eventually successful.

I don’t wanna derail the thread so if you want to pm that’s fine, not sure if we are derailing or not lol

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Yes… There are phases because my life is not all about spirituality I don’t live as a nomad in the middle of nowhere and spend a life dedicated to spirituality, so yes… There were moments in my life where I was so well connected to this energies and it just passed away without me even noticing, because I start feeling empty and without a purpose, then I go back and ask for forgiveness for doing that for that amount of time and buuumm… Starts all over again, stronger then the time before.
I’d say its Lilith and Samael.
The main ones. There’s others…

Well we are trying to give a good explanation from a personal point of view of whats it like to have sex with a demon/spirit.

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I only really got into spirituality in the last two years or so. So I’m still new.


Well apparently you’re doing better then a lot of people in here! And you probably have a better sexual relationship with a spirit then a lot of pple in here too… Or so it seems.

My relationship is still young with her, and it’s not perfect. We’ve definitely had our ups and downs. When I first connected to her I tried to banish her like…well more times then I’m proud of. So not perfect. Everything was new, so I was a little freaked out back then, but definitely have more experience and I can communicate better to her lol.

I take my relationship with her one day at a time, im always trying to communicate better as well as keep my relationship with her balanced with the rest of my life. It’s not perfect but she has shown me that she does genuinly care, so it’s well worth it.


That’s good to hear!
And it’s not only about sex…
That’s a men thing I believe lol
Well some men… I bet there’s some women out there to thinking exactly the same.
To build a relationship with a spirit means so much more then having sex…
Although when you do have sex, it’s probably better then anything human.

I can’t be in any sort of relationship where its all about sex… I’ve never understood why anyone could.

Besides for awhile, my lady was more of a guide/maternal figure for me (well mostly before I connected to her). Of course she still does try and guide me. So I’d say my relationship with her is multi- faced. Theres a guiding side to it, maternal, emotional connection, etc, etc.

No good relationship with human or spirit alike is born from sexual desires…
Not your case, but I’m just putting it out there, for it is a real fact.
Well yes Lilith and Samael are not “my partners” lol
They guide me through my path… And I don’t mind what they take in return!

I have a working relationship with Lilith, she feels motherly to me so I couldn’t mix that with a sexual relationship (which I communicated to her awhile back). To awkward for me lol – also because of my relationship to my lady. I tend to be monogamous.

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