What goetic spirit is good for gaming

As I’ve said earlier, a bunch of us resort to spells for money and getting our exes back, among other things.

We’re really not in a position to complain about this. :joy:


Yes. I admit I have spent way too much time and energy in trying to get my ex back. And I failed.

The point I tried to make with my remark in this thread is that (to me) when you are playing a game, you are a consumer (of that game) AND you are playing it for enjoyment.

So (to me) it’s strange to do any form af Magick to get better at consuming. It will be quite clear that I don’t play video games often, and when I do it’s only chess or tetris (revealing my age here…)
But to each his own as they say :wink:

Many people play video games for their careers (i.e. streamers) and people who watch them do it get unreasonably upset when the player is doing badly. This in turn becomes word of mouth advertisement by saying that a certain gamer sucks which affects business.

If there weren’t people who play video games for a living, then yes, this would be pretty bizarre. xD

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Spirits confirm:

Mages will still continue to manipulate next gen 3d life-like gaming. xD



Since gaming can easily become a frivolity detrimental to your health and productivity as well as an addiction, Belial’s your demon.

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Abaddons greeting.

He says, nowhere can real destruction,
in real life,
as much as it flurishes in gaming.

Corrupting the minds of billions. ^^



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Using both my experiences from the Great WWs and the combination of the spirits defiantly makes me own it in Battlefield. :ok_hand:


The “soul binding” is especially potent. :joy:

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I’ve finally found it;

What goetic spirit is good for gaming

Here it is.


Theoretically, it should be from the Book of Oberon,
but it’s out of a google search,
so it could have been cross-referenced.

But definitely,
this token is designed to exactly,
that you originally wanted,

Recomendation for use:

Make it your Desktop background,
so that techniqually,
all games played,
are having this at it’s back.

Like so.

ideally, you’d also want to Draw the Sigil at least twice,
one beneath your Mousepad,
and one beneath your Keyboard.

That should “guide” you into success and luck and fortune.


Gazing it / Opening it before special occasions,
like for example when you first try the hardest content in the game,
should also help. :wink:

If I get more impressions about how to maximize its effect,
I’ll sure let you know.

Sure enough, this photo is from my original copy of the book of Oberon.
Guess your question was answered a few hundred years earlier, then asked. :smile:

ROFL, i even joked about fiat currency back then!!! xD

“Fiat, Fiat, Fiat”.



¥’Berioth f7

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People make lots of money off of gaming :roll_eyes:

Thatd be great for a professional eater sure :v:

I know this is an old comment but it popped up when I opened the thread

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Yes, I know the world has changed a lot since the time I was a child.

:relieved::point_up:Correct. But I can see your point. Videogames are fundamentally playing by someone elses rules
If you arent getting paid its a lot of entertainment hours logged

In the case of card and board games, the factor most people miss entirely is what is not discussed in any rule book: reading body language and deception. Learning to read your opponent is as important as learning strategies within the game itself. For this, I would recommend Aim, Baal (to conceal your own tell tale signs), Paimon, or Dantalion (to manipulate thoughts of your opponents to fall into traps).