What does King Paimon look like?

Yeah. For sure. Though I don’t usually push daily work to the point that it becomes visual, I’ve tried not to expect anything in terms of their appearance when it’d applied, and have thought that’s always been the best strategy. Sometimes the result generated has been interesting as well as confirmational.

My most treasured evocations maybe aren’t just for their results, but would be due to having shared independent experiences of more obscure forms of entities I truly love and respect like Lucifer and so on. But I can see how perceiving any of their forms plus a sudden influx of this kind of presence and spiritual energy could be terrifying for the unprepared even just in itself.

Despite that, rarely has a form ever truly been scary for me though; albeit, yes, usually the theme is fairly Saturnian and spooky: relating to an embodiment of perceived spiritual darkness on whatever level. A few exceptions would be found with spirits which seem to like to test you at first, but that’s about it for me. Maybe this is what you meant? In any case, I actually found this form of Paimon decently satisfying to have seen. I only wish I had the patience to draw it out properly.

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Yes, that’s what I was referring to. In my case, King Paimon didn’t test me with a terrifying appearance at first, but took on such a form later in order to confront me with a specific phobia I had (and still have, but to a much lesser extent). I am always curious when it comes to the not-so often seen aspects of spirits. In my experience this is something they do deliberately to get something across to those who can profit from seeing them in a new light. Profit in the sense of a heightened and deepened awareness and thus more understanding on their own individual path. King Paimon communicated to me that He does not show certain aspects of Himself to every practitioner, because not everyone could handle or use this perspective.

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i made a painting way back after my first meeting with King Paimon, he was pretty intense and dark.