What does 11:11 means?

Hello every one, I don’t know which category this should be under so I just put it under general…… my question is, what does the number 11:11 means? I keep seeing it on my watch and phone every day! I mean every day!!! It’s like I just miraculously check my time at the exact instance the time is 11:11 some days I see 5:55, 2:22, 3:33 I don’t know if it’s connected to my age cos I am 33 years old ……


Hello, this post Synchronisation - Communicating with divine - #6 by Borgy is very helpful.


I wonder too seen in movies some to do with the bible I think never looked in one lol :slight_smile:

verse 11 page 11 maybe

Ok will look into that thanks

Means nothing. People think that 11:11 means your angel make your wish come true but that is pure bs.

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Most New Age views might be BS, but I’ve encountered repeating numbers often while dealing with angels. They tend to show signs through coincidence in daily life, both through people and personal observation. Numbers have appeared often while working with Michael, Zadkiel, Raphael, and Samael.

111 or 11:11 or indicative of some kind of transition approaching. 333 or 33 Is typically a sign of active action, like something is in the works. 444 from what I’ve figured, meanings a kind of realization or direction.


I just cheated & look at Google usually :face_with_hand_over_mouth:& there’s certainly a whole load of different responses

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10:11 now
I do have a funny thing where I hear something on for example the TV when they (recent example) say “I want that crab” while I was just in a game aquiring a statue of a crab like the exact moment I took it I heard that.
Or when I enter a dark room and turn on the light and the TV or radio says something like “Let’s turn the light on” I even had it when I dropped something on the floor and when I picked it up and I mean the exact moment the music through my buds said “I like it when you touch the floor”, I felt kind of weird then XD

See if what you’re doing at 11:11 is really in your highest interest

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If you search under “repeating numbers” here you’ll find many different theories. Short answer is that there are many competing theories as to what, if anything, it means. But it is something that a lot of us have experienced.

A couple of years ago it was happening to me non stop for a good half year or so. Like I would spontaneously wake up at either 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44 or 5:55 every night (or sometimes on more than one of these in a night).
Often something would happen that would either delay me or get me somewhere earlier than expected and it would be 15:33 hrs or 16:44 hrs.
My computer kept glitching at 23:11 hrs very frequently.

It was half a year or so of constant repeating numbers. Maybe it meant something. Maybe I didn’t. I don’t know.

I would also point out though that once we start to notice these patterns, our brains unconsciously start scanning for them, so we are far more likely to notice things like the clock in the corner of a screen being at one of these times.


Wow ok thanks for the info. I really do appreciate

It means the matrix is talking to you and that helps you to understand the illusion which is the reality that one creates. It’s a sign to continue your endeavours 11:11 tells the witch that she or he is on the right path

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1111 means trust your gut.

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Ok thanks I will keep this in mind

Ok noted thank you so much