Want to see your living soul inside of you? - Be scanned and Scan back! (No tarot or channeling please)

@Epsilon_The_Imperial Sure, I’ll have to do it when I can dedicate some real silence. I am at work and want to give you a thorough scan.

The big money question is, what am I afraid of?

Thank you, I will contemplate this.

Again I haven’t developed my skill much, but would you like me to scan you? If so, what would you prefer that I focus on?

(By the way, I feel that your scan was accurate, and I can appreciate the use of clairaudience in a context such as this.)

It seems to me the issue of fear is deeply rooted around the loss of personal control in magick. This may not even be conscious, but could be the source of feeling held back or questioning why certain things are the way they are.


Sure go ahead and scan!

I believe we would need to dig deeper into that.

Again, take this with a grain of salt. I attempted to connect with you and whatever guides you have, but I didn’t get much. I asked if there was anything you needed to know, any message for me to convey. First I felt a gentle, feminine being, and a healing energy (as a greeting?). After again stating my intention, the energy focused on the area around my left kidney before going away. After a bit, I felt a masculine being with golden armor(?) who I asked if there was any message they wished to convey. My abilities in this area are not great yet. All I got was “Take heed-” and “-one step too late-”. Further attempts to ask if there was anything you needed to/might want to know were just met with amusement. I then attempted to sense your energy. My impression was steadfast but sensitive. Sensitivity is not necessarily bad, and can aid in kindness and empathy.

I’m sorry, there doesn’t seem to be much to take from this, if anything. If you’d like me to try again with a specific goal, say the word.

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Actually it was helpful. The feminine energy does correspond to Lilith recently volunteering to be my
Matron, which is cool, and possibly a succubus she granted to me last night, Arisha. So that’s accurate.

The being in gold armor could be Lucifer, could be the higher self. I never have beings in armor from my perception, but the gold reminds me of Lucifer. I am a truly sensitive person, I need to work on not taking inaccuracies so harshly when I am wrong and other people’s misjudgments to heart. But on the other hand, yes, it does aid in making a good connection.

For what you did say, you didn’t say anything wrong or contradictory. That’s a win!

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…What I’m hearing is - Start walking stronger, let your steps be heard louder…
Your grandma perhaps… some old feminine figure is by your side! Holding you by your right shoulder as support. maybe she is different person now …
There’s definitely a lot of feminine energy with you, even though you tend to connect more easily with male entities.

Okay Epsilon, I am going to do my best to give you something clear and useful-

“How can Epsilon go deeper into his magickal practice?”

I invoke Lucifer and ask for images-

A castle towers above the clouds, made of gold, marble granite and steel. Angels soar about its spires and blow trumpets during a golden sunset and a voice calls “The master has returned home!” Below at the base of the castle a weary man dressed in a black robe with a hood rides a donkey across a drawbridge and enters the area of the castle. The drawbridge lifts and closes behind him. I follow this man about. He is weak and unsteady on his feet as he gets off the donkey, and walks with a limp. He goes and sits at a table in the stable and is fed a simple hearty meal which he eats with the animals and servants. He looks longingly at the door to the main entry of his castle and feels about his robes for a key. There is no key to be found. In a panic he looks everywhere and searches for the key, but cannot find it on the ground and believes he will have to go back into the wide world and retrace his steps until he finds the key.

An angel suddenly appears, but he cannot see it, while he is weeping at the table, mourning the loss of the key.

I ask the angel- “Bright angel, surely this man has a way into the castle? It cannot be this single inconvenience is the complete ruin of all his adventures!”

The angel smiles upon me and raises both its hands above its head and shines a bright light upon the table where the man is weeping, but he cannot see the light. There is the key illuminated in front of him. Yet he cannot see that if he would but stretch out his hand to take the key, he would ascend the stairs to his dwelling among the clouds.

“What does this man need to see the key in front of him dear angel?”

Without a pause the angel answers- “ by silence and humility are cultivated the eyes to see the key, by strength and daring are cultivated the will to grasp the key, and by fortitude and nobility are the legs strengthened to arise and try the key.”

“Spoken plainly?” I ask-

@Epsilon_The_Imperial must be resolute in his choice to go deeper and he shall go deeper. It is not enough to ask how and await the act to happen, the key is to be grasped- to know you know nothing, to enter the darkness of nothing in meditation, to reach out to nothing and in the nothing to say, “Let there be light.” And to follow that light inward and upward. For in the internal life, inward is upward. Sit and know the nothing you know you don’t know. Bask in your ignorance. Accept it. And from within it, forge a path by feeling, by seeking, by knocking, by trial and error. Begin with humility- you know nothing. Continue with seeking in the dark- use the psychic senses. In this nothing- what can you see, hear, touch, smell? Use these as clues to lead you into the internal lands, both infernal and celestial, and you will find the currents and the trapdoors and the stairways. First, feel for a current. Feel for a gentle tide. See where it carry’s you. To go deeper is self discovery, and it is the path of the solitary initiate. It is the lonely path. This is the key lying on the table for those who have eyes to see.”

Whew! Ok that felt pretty smooth. Let me know if it gave you any insight and any other questions you might have!

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I’ve decided that I would like help with a very big question for me.

I feel that I incarnated here for a reason, but I can’t remember why, and my own perspective is too limited for me to see it. It’s very important for me that I understand why I chose to be here, and what my goal was. Knowing my past will help me understand where I am now, and what I want to do in the future.

I also just need more information about my circumstances in general, I’m sorely lacking in that regard.

If anyone is capable and willing to lend me assistance, I would be immensely grateful. Dig as deep as you want. I have nothing to hide.

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@WanderingWind I tried chasing the concept of “you” beyond conception, and I saw a green field with Children. My impression was that possibly you died young in your previous life. I did not see the death or the cause, but I saw a child with curly brown hair in a white t shirt and Jean shorts, and my impression was he did not live much beyond his apparent age of about 7 or 8.

I could be wrong, these topics are hairy, but see if those kinds of images resonate or maybe trigger something.

I get the impression you should call on King Paimon to reveal this. He’s perfect for new practitioners and is wise and powerful.

I’m up for a scan trade.

I would like a scan trade.

I would like to know how I can most perfect myself to achieve the things I want.

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For your scan:

I’m getting that there are some associates of yours in real life that are bothering you. I’m getting the advice that you should do a minor binding spell to prevent their negativity or energy from affecting you.

I am getting a snapshot of your destiny. You are to work with the celestial and the divine to prevent yourself from slipping back into reincarnation. Your overall goal is to prevent existence from shaping you into something you’re not, and your destiny is tied to how you would want to liberate yourself from existence.


Epsilon and Post need to understand that that the universe is free. There are no commandments on what you need to do for others. If your only source of meaning is based in morality, you will never be free as the search for the Good will never end. It is me, and yet, I do not command people to do good or to do evil. They do as they please. The point is that there are no reasons for the world (existence in the omniverse) to become perfect according to the images men have of society. That’s all.

I finally get an image of yourself and your aura. Your auric field is strong. Your chakras are moderately strong. I get the feeling that you need stronger impulses to guide your actions, as sometimes you may not feel the need to do something when it is relevant to your life.

That’s all.

I will scan you.

I get the feeling that you’re hurt at the moment, and you want time to rest and heal your wounds. It’s somewhat physical, but mainly emotional.

I see that you have done a lot with Lilith and other feminine, night demonesses. The advice that I’m getting is to ensure that you are complete before you complete your path. Circular, I know. The point is is that you are to look at yourself and your being first before committing yourself to walking the path. The outward expression of walking is merely what comes after your internal sense of being complete.

I get that Belial is happy with you, and I feel that you should be happy with yourself for the things you’ve done.

I get that your aura is dark brown with stripes of black. You are grounding yourself in your work, and the intensity is sort of lowering your vibration but not in a negative way.

I get the sense that you should look up to see the light.

That’s all.

Oh BTW did you feel the message you received was relatable? The imagery of the tower? I was curious as to how accurate you felt it to be.

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I could see parallels between myself and what you scanned with the key and the tower. The angel’s advice really helped. I felt that it makes sense with what I’m feeling right now.

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@Epsilon_The_Imperial Cool. I really was hoping there would be something helpful, and I was legit just following along, not trying to moralize or anything.

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Can we swap scan? With anyone available

I would like a scan trade.

I would like to know how I can most perfect myself to achieve the things I want.


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Spiritual things or material ?

You seek security in life whether spiritual or your possession, but you use your spiritual knowledge to gain in life and sometimes you can show off your occult knowledge but only with the people you are very closed to. You tend to keep this for yourself.

The question is how are you doing to achieve the security you want?

Trough your hard work this is the most important thing, you work will determine your value in life,

secondly your education, Choose wisely what you wanna do in college or educate yourself in spiritual matters and work on your 3rd chakra

3rd you postgrad or higher knowledge. You have to study your occult knowledge like at university. Do the practices

When you have a solid foundation on theses matters you can achieve security easily cause the type of work suitable for you is corporate one where you need to climb ladders :ladder:. And you are very much good at it.

You need to have an higher power watching over you, like a guardian Angel, a patron. He’s gonna guide you in the moment of troubles. Last time you already said the key word: Guru.

There’s a need to have a Guru to give you that confidence because alone you don’t trust too much your own power.

For Your spiritual evolution is gonna be triggered by your younger sibling (s) , your partner and your friends.

Whenever you see bad things happening in these 3 areas, leave it to “god” to deal with it.
The jealous friends, the fragile girlfriend or sibling doing strange things. Leave it to the power of universe. You can’t do much



Spiritual, my quest to be great in terms of achievement and to be a genius. I want to see myself as ultimately great in all ways.

I want to ultimately perfect myself so I am ultimately the master of all forms of knowledge and “knowing” while also developing myself to be as developed as possible as a being.