Want to see your living soul inside of you? - Be scanned and Scan back! (No tarot or channeling please)

Ok, I think I have something, but this was really hard and definitely a different sort of communication than the other ones I’ve done. I am also less solid on the interpretation of the symbols. The earth is always more abstract than the air, for me.

The block was not on my end, it is on yours. I don’t think it is a bad thing, though. The bird is protecting you. It feels very strongly about you; i am not sure what the bird is, it could be an entity or the manifestation of a protection you have put in place or inherited. I think it is a good thing for you, just not for those trying to reach you in any magickal sense (whether harmful or helpful). The bird might be a little overprotective. That’s not your scan, though, just an observation.

Deep, thick roots twine through your life. They hold the soil together, give you stability, and provide rich green shelter above the surface for you. Be wary of what roots you allow to spread, though. As I meditated on you and tilled the new bed in my garden I found a small, thorny stem I had somehow missed as I started thinking about the love in your life. It seemed small, and innocuous however, when I grasped and pulled it was strong and the root system stayed intact. The roots spanned the entire garden bed, were thick, and strong, but they represented a hinderance in your life. Something insidious masquerading as something less severe. On the bright side the act of pulling it up tilled my entire garden bed. Removing this blemish from your life will create incredible growth and opportunity for you, though the process of removal may be difficult.

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What exactly is the eye? And, does my future have to be painful to see all the things I want to see? If it’s violent, in what way?

Here is your scan.

I see bright and blue waters, it is your subconscious clearing clutter from your mind. Beneath that I see bright yellow. You are being guided towards your future.

Do not wait, just keep going.

I see multiple spirits around you. Belial wants you to wait inside until you get the answer.

He wants you to be at peace with yourself.

Other than that, I see @Silverleaf 's avatar beckon you towards the dark forests. They call to you to receive initiation.

That’s what I get.


Here is your scan.

I see your destiny. In a few years this will become clear to you, but you are to evolve along the path given to you by your godself. Deep inside, you want to see the mysteries, but hold yourself back because you don’t see it in you. Delve deep within yourself and connect to the source of your magick. It calls to you, and soon your whole life will fly in front of you. It is your destiny, calling you to evolve and rise along the thorned path. It is a occult order, a being of pure mystery and deliverance.

It is this that calls to you, and you want to become something greater yet feel that your path is your path. Call deeper to that source of magick, and you will see more.

That is all I can tell you.

Thanks for the scan! It really helped a lot.

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Thank you.

I am not sure exactly what the eye is, but it definitely strikes me as an incredibly powerful entity. You’ve caught its attention, and not in a good way.

Thank you very much , resonates strongly :slight_smile:

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This also resonates thanks a lot

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Can I get a scan will trade back.

Anyone want to trade? :] Can reply back to this.

When scanning you, I see a woman mlsitting cross legged in meditation on a black moonlit ocean, she had a yellowish energy. A sense of longing, or wanting comes to mind, however you are free and your path in life seems like it will go wherever you want. I think I see you holding a brown bird, perhaps it’s connected to you. I get the concept that balancing beauty with your mind and heart might be important for you. You might also have some self healing to do. Is something coming to an end in your life? I get that you have the ability to come out on top, and that this change/ending will bring you some form of fortune and growth.


I had some signs regarding Nikola Tesla.

Could you give me a scan about how I can be a true genius/polymath that has achieved all the things I want in terms of understanding things and knowing things, pushing my magick beyond my normal limits as a person?

When scanning you, I got that in order to push your magick beyond that of a normal human you need to perceive things in a way beyond that of a normal human, look at the boundaries around you. To push your understanding to genius level, I surmise that you simply need to walk your course, it will come naturally with time and that there are no shortcuts. Your journey will make you complete. For Nikola Tesla there may be something in it for you to learn about his approach to the universe. Finding the secrets of the universe and how it relates to what he said may he useful.

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When scanning you I get a misty airy energy. I see a jungle island, there’s a temple guarded by an animal skin wearing Amazonian, it holds a yellowish green artifact with a life guving power, I get the sense that this place is connected to you. I also feel others, guides perhaps, I get that they want you to know that you have them and that you aren’t alone.

Does it seem like somewhere I need to go or remember?
To me it feels like it would be a metaphor but also possibly literal like a past life vibe.
Thank you for the message.

For you @Dynamic_Neutrality
I feel like you are looking for a reprieve from your normal or regular everyday life. You feel stressed, like you need to let out a puff of smoke but you can’t.
I feel like you need to be able to go on adventures. I don’t mean ones where you travel, not necessarily the kind where you spend money, but you need to allow adventure into your life— let it into your spiritual practice. I feel like you need to open your mind a bit more on that. I feel like you believe some certain things are possible but not all, and it might be making things seem stagnant or not as/not fun to you…
Like, “what’s the point” type vibe

Don’t worry about what other people think (this is an anecdote)

Not about making your practice more personal to you per say but just opening it up. Realize your practice is an adventure and can take you there. I’m thinking about dreams? Astral travel? Is it something that you used to be able to do as a kid, or I just feel the potential there. It can take you far. I feel like again it’s not about visiting places but like— the adventure that is developing yourself, becoming the main character, powers, abilities type vibes. As you do it, adventure type things can happen.
There are opportunities there.

I feel like you need a hug, and if so, I get that.

I saw hooded figures, in a temple/cave, crowded around you. I feel like, you might not be one for occult type vibes, that sort of scene isn’t necessary for you. Are you more about blasting things/tearing things apart through training?
I feel Paimon

He is definitely a guide in this type of thing

It’s gonna be ok

Does any of this resonate?

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Thanks for scan. That place is probably somewhat more like a metaphor, if I were to choose. I ironically was bemoaning about how I wanted more adventure in my life, and subsequently my anime (lol). I would say all of it resonates with me quite a bit, so no worries there. I feel like I’ve seen that same cave/temple with hooded figures, was it a mountainous/snowy place, and were there robes red and gold? I wouldn’t say I dislike the creepy robed occult aesthetic, but I do have a sorta DBZ approach to reality, so your probably right about that.

I literally was imagining saiyans as I said all of that :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones::saluting_face:
I feel like it was saying to embrace that and make it your reality.

And it was just a cave that I saw and the robes were black.

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Hi @anon77412573

There was a time a while back where I went through a lot of doubts, but I got pretty negative reactions from people when I told them about my gnosis because I wanted help.

There was this one guy that called me irrational and mentally disturbed and that I wasn’t making sense.

That guy studied philosophy and Hegel, and while I know I shouldn’t care. I still get mad because of the idea that someone could try to justify being mean like that and because I think about whether or not the guy had some philosophical reason I didn’t know of to tell me I’m wrong.

I just need a scan about that, since I get frustrated with other people arguing with me over my beliefs. I just don’t want to feel like I’m irrational or that my stuff doesn’t make sense.

I also want a scan about how I can become a true genius/polymath with all of the mastery I want over what is truth.

I thought about what you wrote to me in scans and I concluded that I want to study what actually is true without all of the trappings or details about fields of knowledge, occult or otherwise that people think is true.

That’s it. Thanks!

I get a feeling that for both of us, we should be a bit more balanced in our lives.

I get the feeling for you that you are working a lot with draconic energies, reptilian style stuff without realizing it.

I feel that you should investigate more into your own personal being to find out what magick really resonates with you.

I see a dark temple and Azazel standing over it. He beckons you to come in.

That’s all I see.

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I think, why should it matter if he does or not?
Philosophy can become heavily subjective — the only reason it comes about in the first place is because someone decided to open their mind.
Where one philosophy might work in one situation, another fails.
I feel like you need to not focus on the whys and how’s of why people disagree with you or might want to fight you. I get the feeling you still might want to fight them. Fall back.

Your gnosis is built on purely being you, right? Remember you shape your reality. Peoples responses are reflections of things we need to overcome, or insecurities within ourselves.
You just need to keep building on what you know and are learning about yourself. That makes you stronger.
That makes you able to “defend” yourself. But at that point it no longer becomes defending, it just becomes you “being in your energy” so to speak. Confidently existing, and being able to support the whys and how’s that people might want to understand.
You aren’t defending basically, just chilling.

Basically, forget confrontation
Focus on yourself

My own thought:
I also feel that, ofc people are going to have different opinions but that is why the world is so magical sometimes. Different viewpoints, different worlds. Don’t see it as a clash on your own side, even if they on their side see it as one (they get aggressive for no reason). That’s them. In reality it’s Just a chance to learn.
If someone gets aggressive over a belief instead of discussing, then they are irrational.
You will gradually feel more secure as you keep growing on your path bc things will start to fall into place and it’ll feel even more true and override the monkey brain. So keep going.
I understand it’s frustrating and hurts sometimes.

You need to look within yourself. You need to realize all of humanity holds the key to what “math” really is, how it really works. It’s within our literal dna coding. So I feel like the more you explore your core (self, deep), you will be able to understand the deeper inner workings of mathematics in the “universe.”
The first steps to this are acceptance.
Acceptance of a lot of things. Self, emotion,
It all feels as if a rite of passage. Akin to shadow work but not all of it is exactly.

You can look within yourself to become a polymath or genius by understanding the world around you (experience it),and dive within, deep— it all lies there
There are initiations of sorts you can or will undertake during your journey and while doing this, then things will make more sense.
You don’t have to look at past/your past history to become a polymath.
Just understand yourself and the world
I feel you must master the world if you wish to master the worlds

Lilith is good for “breaking emotional ties” (idk, I heard that), and becoming the self through emotional trial.
Return to the womb, return to the mother.
Break absences in your life by replacing them with things/people/events that are full.
Cut ties with those who do not serve you and what does not

All you need to do is open your mind and you will be fine

Heracuth (heracyuth?), hyacinth

These things after I mentioned Lilith, are things I channeled or heard from her.

“Hyacinths symbolize jealousy, a desire for forgiveness, joy, and sincerity
Be grateful for what you have,
Do not wish for more,
Because you have what others do not.

Seek not the heart that does not feel joy,
For you feel joy with it (your own heart)

Seek not the heart that feels fear,
For yours already has it

Seek the moon that tells lies,
(That hangs over your head, over mankind, and tells you what’s what, who’s who, how this works or how that works)
Seek it, and destroy it.

Uncover the true moon, that lies inside,
Reflected by the paper glass of the water on earth,
That reflects back the truth that lies far beyond her.

Do not forsake the earth, however ye may feel, for it has answers.

Heracyuth reminds me of the goddess hera, reminds me of marriages and strength,
Marriage of contraries?
Do not be uncouth, do not forsake your knowledge? Embrace nonsense, Eris
Chaos and lust go hand in hand
Understanding that helps you understand it all, I feel that’s a rabbit hole/portal in itself.

Flowers grow where the dead rises.

These last things are just things that came to mind trying to understand that word. xd

I find it funny I said you don’t need fancy metaphors. You don’t. Your gnosis is super literal. However, some things are hard to say directly? So I’m speaking like this I guess.

How do you feel about all this?

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I took a while to get back to you because I was trying to find time to chew on this, but I’ll give you my thoughts on this.

Yeah, this definitely makes sense. I shouldn’t have to feel like I need to argue, but so many times I feel like I just want to destroy people because I feel a lot of hatred towards the beliefs people hold. That, and my disgust over what I feel a lot of people are. That takes more time to explain.

I can see that in a way, that people saying things can be signs in a way. I am a bit hesitant to say it’s that strong of an indication though.

But learning about myself makes sense.


Yeah, I am trying to like move on and solidify it and all of that. It’s been a tough process.

I feel like I should share this with you, but I think one of the important things to understand from my own gnosis is that existence is not mathematically encoded as though it were just a math puzzle or equation, that it’s not so rigorously defined in that way.

But the acceptance part sounds cool.

The rest of the post makes sense! Thanks Faelansaga.

I think that that’s true but I do feel like mathematical involvement in things that I sort of visualize akin to floaty grids just now. I think maybe that is just a layer to things that can be tapped into. It feels important.

However the statement about looking into ourselves for the truth of math or how it really works— like, I think that’s true, in literal mathematics way but in a way that requires a deep dive. Math doesn’t have to be cage-like or solid.
If we look into ourselves, we can possibly kind of feel or see math is like a nothingburger. It ends up unraveling or dissolving to me, I think there’s a lot of experimentation to be had for sure

But I agree— Nothing really feels hardlined or rigid about existence to me and I think that’s the point.
Which is also why maths doesn’t feel that way to me either fully.


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