Want to see your living soul inside of you? - Be scanned and Scan back! (No tarot or channeling please)

Okay that is pretty accurate imo! Thank you :slight_smile:

I am going to sit down here and scan you now :slight_smile: Give me a few minutes.

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Okay. @Julia_Hart

Can I get a scan will scan back.

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I can scan you. Wanna trade? You want your soul scanned, yes?

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Yeah can you scan first?

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So when scanning you, first thing I saw was a white horse. Was big and strong, yet graceful.

I see imergary of the countryside with many hills.

I feel the sensation of the earth on my feet as well as feel your energy is warm.

Color wise I see green, and yellow/orange.

Also note, at the beginning of the scan something about your energy reminds me of rebirth/new beginnings/etc.

I can keep going, I just wanted to pause and see if anything I scanned resonates with you

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I don’t know how easy I am to scan right now, I more curious.

The rebirth is probably the baby, who I convinced during an Enki ritual.

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Do you want me to continue, or ?

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You can continue but I think you are getting caught in one of my scan traps.

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Well maybe I should stop then if I’m caught in one. Also felt like you have protection as well.

The call is yours to make. I’m not the most experienced scanner but not inexperienced - so it’s up to you, I don’t usually know how to deal with scan traps.

You can stop, I don’t have anything that attacks it just more of a redirect, Im really protected.

Thank you. It going to take a few minutes for me to scan you, and might be off, my mood is slightly off.

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No worries, take your time. Maybe later we can trade again, would be good for me to learn how to scan through a redirect. Of course with consent only.

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I think you hit my mirror. But different, I don’t know for sure, I mirror and loop a lot.

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For you I see celestial energy with pops of different colors. I see an outline of a person the line is white I believe this represents you.

I think this is your way higher source material. It reminds me of a supernova, I think is where you and many come from.

(I might of scanned a bit high, and I feel off today)

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I’m up for a trade if anyone is interested


I can try a trade scan if you want. Not the most experienced. Will do my best of course.

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First time I’ve heard celestial energy for me. Interesting. Thank you for the scan.

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That is perfectly fine by me. I’ll scan you first.

So, the image that popped in my mind first was a forest burning. The flames, while intense, revealed many shades of white, yellow, reds, blues, and flickers of black. The smoke bellowed above, white as opposed to black. New saplings emerged from the ash on the ground.

There was a cave some distance and within its depths, deep roots climbed the walls wrapping around chunks of rock and crystal. At the lowest level of the cave, there was a spring flowing water and in the middle of the pool was a pocket watch, ticking away as the image faded.

Interesting cycles of destruction and rebirth. Actually was quite beautiful when stepping away from the sense of loss that once was.

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Wow, that was a good scan. There definitely is alot of destruction/chaos but I’m also building myself and trying to grow. It’s complicated. Alot of getting rid of the “old” for the new.

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