Waking up yesterday?

Cool - I’m not clear on this part, what papers - ID, or exam results? Because which spirit you need will vary, IMO, depending on which type you want.

I’m not going to do magick for you because I’m too busy and it’s too much of a commitment, but I am willing to talk you through some things in this thread as time permits, and I’m sure other people can give you some ideas, at least, if you keep this at the level of stuff people have experienced and had successes with. :slight_smile:

I would like to get a completely new identity to escape my gpa.

Okay, this is my opinion and suggestions, other people may also want to chime in as well: first you need to do the method linked below, with a sigil of Belial (images in 3rd link) and ask him to release you by any means that don’t harm you, and people you love, from being trapped in lowly status due to a few pieces of paper:

I see E.A. just uploaded a video about sigils 14 hours ago, I haven’t watched it yet but you should:

I put everything I know about Belial to date in this thread, do a search on here to get other people’s experiences as well:

You want Belial for this because he hates “the man” and the idea of people being blocked from acting freely and expressing their power due to laws, regulations, stuff like that, and the fact your life is being limited by one shoddy snapshot of your abilities, taken at a bad time, is the kind of injustice he’s very likely to want to get involved with.

Unlike some spirits, he has no aversion to breaking rules, laws, that kind of thing. You want out from under the “judgement” levied on you by this paperwork, so that’s why I’m proposing him (also, I like the big guy and he gets results).

Do you feel able and willing to:

  • suspend rational cynicism and skepticism long enough to do this, following the instructions given and without intellectualising too much or trying to pick it to bits, and
  • make the executive decision right now that you’re going to learn magick, first learning the known forms, later you can branch out into the more innovative stuff if you choose, and that you’re not going to sit with one foot in, one out of the pool (so to speak) trying to spectatorise and critique your own involvement?

If you can do both of those, you have a fair chance of success.

If they honestly don’t sit well with you, and you know you don’t have that kind of agility, to invest belief (or, at least, suspend disbelief) for as long as it takes, then maybe this isn’t the route for you.

But I believe you can, or you wouldn’t have been drawn here! :slight_smile:


There is no past or future. There is only now. So time is a matter of perception. As the infamous occultist, Einstein said, Time and space is Relative.

Magick DOES work independent of time and space, but not in the Doctor Who Tardis/Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventures/Mr. Peabody and Sherman fictional time travel way.

And, no “Groundhog Day” movie thing where you have to relive the same day over and over until you “get things right”. (Reincarnation?)

Even if magick time travel existed, it would be dangerous. Killing the prehistoric butterfly would cause humanity to not exist, for example. So you want to kill little Adolph Hitler as a child. Then another dude would have caused the Holocaust.

Get my drift?

On Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, the entities of the Bajoran Wormhole told Commander Sisko that he had to let go of his dead wife/son’s mother. He was stuck in the past. Once he moved on, he finally, became the man he was meant to be, “The Emissary of the Prophets”. He became a God.

We all have regrets. Don’t dwell in the past. Let it go. Learn from your mistakes and move on to a better future. That is what magick helps you do.