Tutorial : Tool-Free Magick Using Your Hands

Something I have often wondered if it’s just me or if this is a ‘thing’:

When I ask myself a question I often notice that with the immediate impulse answer or feeling, I get an automatic initial bodily reaction like scratching an itch on my nose even though there was no itch, or I might sniff or clear my throat for no apparent reason or I suddenly become aware of blinking right after I feel or see this initial impulse answer.

I might suddenly make a statement to myself and instantly there is some kind of bodily action for no apparent reason and I wonder if this is a subtle energy trying to give me a hint of some kind.

Are these subtle reactions indicating my limitations that I can change? I think so.
When I get a negative answer that comes along with one of these reactions I replay the scene or question a few times until I get a clear projection of what I would like to see.

I suppose this is what we all do but not necessarily notice all the time.


I think so as well, I have a gut feeling about some things and it’s always correct, yet, stupidly, I still ignore it sometimes! :roll_eyes:


I think that more people have restrictions about contacting a Demon.
I live in a country were 90% of the people are muslim, therefore I have to be careful with what I do.
I know what it means when you are not free to do what you want to do.


Is it okay if I screenshot this and post it to my IG with a link to BALG and this forum?


You are welcome to do so. :+1:

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I just posted something regarding this exact topic a few minutes ago, and then I scroll down, and I see this.

Synchronicity is insane sometimes.


From my research, I have read and heard, time and again, that daemons often find subtle ways to guide you. You are sometimes following coincidences that are them trying to guide you. This is just my guess, as I have researched much and practiced little. I hope @Lady_Eva don’t mind, but I have questions to PM her


You never stop learning if you are serious about anything. Even in the non-occult. I’ve been playing guitar for more than 30 years and yet I’m not above watching a beginner level lesson. Same is true in magick IMHO


Sure, keep them short and specific though please, not open ended stuff like “How did you get started” - things like that need a book to answer! :smiley:


The moment you think you have it all figured out is this moment that you need to get out.


Yep, my thoughts exactly. It’s the same in the music business, which I was part of for a long time. You always see some asshole who thinks he’s the best at this or that until some kid shreds his ass. None of us are the “Yngwie of the occult” (that probably only will make sense to musicians


Become a Living Goku


Immediatly found myself here after figuring out Bardons step 4 has a section on this one.Very nice. :+1:


Im taking notes from this…

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This really works, perhaps too much at first; that is, I invoked the air lesser pentagram, then opened the clockwise gates at each quarter, spiraling it into me, then circling clockwise the circle, huge rush of energy, almost dropped.


I think i used your methods unknowingly to shatter our towns curse, how do I know I shattered the towns curse, because I can deeply feel it, and see it with my minds eye, all that’s left tis leftover debris, I think the towns getting used to the outside world’s energies because theirs a major change in the atmosphere…in a great way though, Multiverse Blessings.