TUTORIAL: Extremely strong love spell

This question was answered in a post above. You say the chant seven times.

What about my name?
When do i say it?

It’s a bit confusing, because the OP contradicts himself, but as far as I can tell, you say your name after the name of the one you are casting upon (the OP says before at the top of the thread, but he wrote after in a reply later):

So the chant should go “How this candle burns, N. should burn after X. N, burn after me! As this candle melts, N. should melt after X. N, melt after me! As the candle drips, N. should drip after X. N, drip after me!” N being the name of the target, and X being your name.


Do you guys let the candle burn after the pins fall out?


Sounds interesting, but kinda confusing as well, especially that chant, guys when sharing important info such as this clarity is key.


Hi, I wanted try this, but I have some problem.
Why in instruction is “first my name”? Where? In chant? Where exactly? Or on the candle add my name?

After you do the prep, which is putting the needles thru the candle as pictured and carving the target’s name, then recite the incantation.

Ok, i know. But where exactly should put my name?

In the incantation is his name only, I guess?

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They’re just explaining that when you say the incantation, say your name first.

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Keep going until the name carved into the candle burns out, or your spirit blows it out.

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I’ve done this spell. The second night, while doing it, she text me. Never doubt yourself…Ever.


Look I think it’s kind of a hypnotic script or like that (hypnosis is what science call entering through gnosis) when Erickson used his scripts they were not so grammatically correct but they resonate some outcomes in the client subconscious. The lack of understanding can create a “loop hole” which causes intensification in trance like states. But you can always adapt to your needs, some clients from Erickson don’t always like the “confusion sintaxe induction” and would prefer other ways


That’s okay, but remember of clean yourself with some mantra or something after you come from the other place you went. Because doing that you’re leaving the “ritual/magick” area, and for the work receive even better results is appropriate to clean yourself to enter in the right state of mind. But don’t think about this so much, some things work different for ever people.


Would this work on men?

Also, could one cast it on one’s self to bring back the spark of attraction in a relationship? Asking for a friend whose says he’s losing lust for his wife due to depression.

Let me share my results!

A few months ago I was going out with I guy (I was still on the rebound for my ex-husband), and though I didn’t like the guy it hurt my ego that he said some sh*t like I just wanna fuck with you, I’m not into a relationship, but then he hit my witchy ego when he said something about my practices like, I’m not scared of leaving stuff around your house cuz I now that if you tried magick on me, it wouldn’t work.

I didn’t like the guy but I was on a crazy spree lol so I tried this spell on him. After reading the candle remains I decided not to attempt it once more and simply leave it like that cuz the guy is still madly in love with an ex from forever ago and I thought “Well, why do I even want to have this crackhead in my life”.

The next day he invited me for breakfast, but the spell did not seem to work in general. Yes, he called and asked me out but he was just to vague. I forgot about, and here is where I want to really invite you to put aside your lust for results. I tried this one time and it took me about a month to forget about it. A month after I simply didn’t care anymore… well, the pitty thing has been following me around, displaying huge signs of affection… Not admitting/confessing anything, but a girl knows when a guy she doesn’t like is into her. I hadn’t had that much contact with him for a while, so he couldn’t just fall in love out of the blue or suddenly realize he always loved me. I attribute it all to this spell.

That being said, yes, you can give it a go, I think it’s successful, and if you tried it for a few consecutive days you’d probably make it stronger, but the real hard part is not to become obsessed with achieving the results.

That’s all, buddies. I hope this helps! :blush:


Ah, one more thing, in case you ask. I did the ritual in Spanish, I have the tendency of doing all my rituals in English since I feel my mind more dettached from my feelings, but the wording was confusing, so in my mother tongue it ended up having this order
How this candle burns, X should burn after me, (then say my name)
As this candle melts, x should melt after me, (then say my name)
As this candle drips, x should burn after me (then say my name).
This wording makes sense in my language and that’s how it’s usually recited.


Did it work?

As the candle burns liz , So should liz burn after me. Is this right? It almost takes a genius to figure this out

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Did it work for anybody?

Can you quote the message that you’re replying to, please? I don’t remember it.