To ask a entity to teach a fictional language?

To do things like these since childhood, brings you in a position which is far away from myne.

And regardless of that, looks anything “regular” to the beginner like “super advanced”. ~Big names make it even worse, like A. Mason when she suggests the beginners to step away from her books.

Or the fact that K. Joseph was doing magic for years before he went to ahriman and those below. -His great change didn’t came through him starting in magic, but through this expansion.

How is the one above supposed to understand the one below?
-And that many of you are doing this since childhood makes it even more extreme.

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But you obviously haven’t read it yet because literally all it asks you to do is imagine a famous person you are attracted to or like for some other reason, focus on one of their features, imagine them holding a shield.

The rest after that gets even simpler.

Are you seriously telling me that if I say “Angela Merkel” you CANNOT imagine what she looks like?

She’s not an example to base this off but she’s probably the most famous person you and I both know of.

Can you not see those piggy, angry eyes, and that fish mouth, for even a few moments?

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You’re creating yet more distraction for yourself here by getting meta about this and worrying what experience other people have, how big the possible difference is between us and you, instead of attempting the damned exercise and then coming back and saying “Okay Eva I did this based on (name of model you used for the ward) and I have such-and-such a question/problem with it.”

You’re reading my replies and shopping for problems, obstacles, and distractions, like a bored rich trophy wife shopping for new shoes, instead of doing the work, and if it doesn’t come easy, guess what me neither (at first) - keep practicing.

If you join the army do you really imagine they will take “Oh I don’t know anything about guns and anyway I never read a full treatise on military tactics” from you, and let you instead go put your feet up and still draw full pay and benefits?!

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I would recommend learning a language that might actually have some use. But if you absolutely have to learn a fictional language I would do this.


Would you know if they have an actual alphabet?

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I can tell you right now he was far from stupid.

You’re being handed material on a silver platter, yet rejecting it. With all due respect, the only thing stopping you, is yourself.


@Drachir, what is your birthday, birth time, and location of birth? I want to check out your astrology to figure out more about you.


Something is telling me that the person behind Drachir is going to have to be in a situation near to Starvation to Death, where the only choice is to Learn and Evolve or Die. Some people learn only that way.

Edit to Add: Learning a fictional Sith language would not help out your Poor Situation. I am beginning to wonder if you truly are poor as your Focus seems to be on things that do not help you, like the title of this thread. It doesn’t matter to me either way, as any advice I give takes no time away from my day.


Your lingua is always so eloquent Ma’am.


Rosani and Kudos? :o

i’m not sure if thats a bad thing to be :wink: