Thoughtform (Of?) Spirit Spouse Discussion

Ok so you can’t take one critical reaction.

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A critical reaction is completely different then what your doing though I have been on here watching and reading back I’m not on anyone side but this is plan dumb you can not make it to say your being critical when your calling some one else’s experience delusional and saying that what they have with an entity is a thought fourm that’s down right judgement and hurtful we post our experience to share and talk about it not be made fun of n called names you have no real reason to say anything about o.p’s experience cause well your not her so you have no clue whether you believe it or not is not important that’s your choice and your opinion I believe like others cause well look at what we are doing here…

Your basically saying she is married to an imaginary version of Azrael n I don’t think that’s right smh if this keeps up I think I’ll decide to get @Lady_Eva involved…


I’ve read her other threads too and didn’t say anything. I formed my opinion on all that.
Where did I make fun of her and call names?
Yes, I said it sounds like a thought form to me. Cause that’s my opinion. It’s not my fault if that’s hurtful. If she is sure it isn’t a thoughtform, why would a stranger’s opinion hurt her?

Also, I never said anything like “My experiences were all completely different so you must be wrong” Cause I know that’s not the case in magick.

And yes, you are right, it’s my choice to believe it or not. This is a forum, so I do have a reason to say what I think.

All I know is that this thread is meant to help people with similar experiences and this situation you’ve created is counterproductive to that.

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A forum is not your personal safe space.

It was not off-topic, I was not disrespectful to you. Nothing I did was against the forum rules.

True but it’s how you say things and come off is the issue" you sure it’s not a thought form you created" is basically saying “your married to your imaginary friend in your imaginary world”

Then “your experience sound delusion” sounds like

“Your delusional and your just imaging these things happening to you”

It’s how you say things you need to understand that if you can’t put it in a nice way on how you feel don’t post it’s offensive and honestly I feel offended myself
I have had some kind of experience and for what every reason I’m pregnant like real life pregnant not astroly does that mean I’m delusional or my experience is am I lying? No it’s my experience furfur isn’t made up or a thought form clearly he has proved that time and time again why would hers be any different?
Why would your be any different any way as I said it is how you say things so ppl don’t get offended


You were very disrespectful tbh n I’m just being nice to point that out n a nice way :blush:


How you perceive things is not up to me.

And I never said anything about you and your experiences?

No but you minus we’ll since you did have negitive things to say about hers granted what I’ve gone through isn’t the same any other person has gone through but still your kinda just picking on her at this point and I was only using myself merely as an example

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Technically we are all constructed out of the same universal material , the difference between a thought form and real entity is it’s ability to provide knowledge and sensations outside our awareness


Please show me the part of the forum rules that says “You may only state your opinion if it agrees with the OP.”

eats popcorn you all know this show about to be shut down sits in the corner


@DarkestKnight someone wants to know the rules of the forum.


I never said that either I’m saying you should at least try to be nicer about what you have to say or just don’t post cause what your doing I inconclution kinda Bullying I don’t condone bullying any where if I feel like what I have to say will offend hurt or start a fight I don’t post you aren’t even taking her feelings into consideration about how this makes her feel it sucks being told your not really going through this cause it’s imaginary or a delusion your mind perceived to be real it hurts no matter if it’s true or not it hurts

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I think you were a little aggressive in your observation , this argument is kind of an exercise in futility now since her relationship with azrael has proved to bring her things outside of her awareness before contact and now this is turning into an ad hominem based on emotions


And I feel like you’re completely twisting my words here.

Bruce Wayne of Balg appears after seconds of being heard , he isn’t the hero balg deserves but the hero balg needs


I believe you are referring to this part:


THIS is what I said…I was actively trying not to be disrespectful.

I’m actually not twisting anything that’s how you came off as I’m actually the nicest one to tell you anything granted I feel like this argument with you is pointless but I’m. Defending what I believe is right and as I said you can state your opinion but don’t be a dick about it it’s no point to that but ppl getting hurt