This path has destroyed me

You have to Balance, Ground, and cleanse your Energy Field your Attracting All.


Lol, same :joy:


Ah is my uncle communicating through you or is this belial being channeled?
All these comments are just different ways it sounds like my uncle is communicating through people.
Man I know I fucked up big time. I chose this path to help me overcome.
There must be atleast a few options that exist.

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There are many Options, Peace Be still. I am not this Uncle. I am a Choctaw native Shaman known as Nashoba Eloym. Iā€™ve worked with Belial Baal Leviathan Sathan. My name means Wolf God in a Past life I was Wepwaret Haru-er you can look those Names up if you want . I van help you but I need you to balance yourself. Sit in a Circle for a moment and Breathe Prana Rejuvenate
Pm me I didnā€™t mean to put these here but Iā€™m going to leave this one.

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I have drawn In this prana. I felt drawn to horus and anubis as a child.
Could it just be you are sensing the rose cross having been done?
Though I didnt know I had these beings protecting me.

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its because of belial he likes suffering ask Adonay to banish him and Michael the Archangel when you work with Demons conjure they conterpart angels or higher ranking demon. and do deals only with offering


also its better to ask of power from a god

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Balance Divine Femine with Daemonic Masculine. GODDESSES Neturu by Nature is the Balance
Personally I found the Solomonic path to be demeaning to the spirits. Why control and command when working with is Premordial Art. I can only speak Personally but comanding Spirits never helped me.


I agree with KingVelizar, call an archangel for help. Archangel Michael or Metatron.

Hello @Nashoba_Eloym, I was wondering if I could speak to you in PM. I canā€™t message you first because of weird forum rules but I would love to get in contact with you.

  • Tekidor, Conduit of Set

Belial has done that to me also. You would think I would give up on the relationship and tell him what a piece of crap he is, but I donā€™t. Belial knows what I have hanging over my head, so admittedly I tolerate things that on the surface seem like real a-hole moves. It happened when I asked him for something he was reluctant to give me, and when I pressed him with the whyā€™s he said yes, and then didnā€™t do it. Part of it is also I admit to not always doing stuff I say Iā€™m going to do. All in all though, I have really learned a lot from Belial and had some amazing experiences I would not have had otherwise if I had just chosen to cut him off.

Fun fact, Belial has appeared to me as a king with a heavy crown and even with the heart shaped, or vaguely heart shaped face. It reminds me of Jesus, the crown of thorns thing, and also all those pictures of the sacred heart. If that isnā€™t enough to convince Christians I donā€™t know what would do it.

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A powerful insight I think. Foolish to believe I could command a demon as such I suppose. Especially being so new to interacting with them. Still its left an ugly mark. Theres a long road ahead of me.


can you do us a proper intro now please, talk about what brought you to magick, any prior paranormal/psychic experiences etc., that way people will be able to help better. :thinking:

Also, we gave you a brief break on the fact you started posting without doing one, because you seemed to have a lot going on, but it is one of our most important rules so please make that your very next post. :+1:


Giant mental health red flag.

get use to it. =o) most come asking for desperate help on first post rather then for learning which is the more sane reason.


What I know about spirits. Help yourself first before asking them for help.

Magic doesnā€™t change your lifeā€¦ It just enhances what you already have.


Should have told me that a decade ago.

you suppose to figure it out decades ago working with them from experience. not waiting or relying on others to tell you =o)


Pretty much what happened :santa:t6:

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