The spider goddess [closed]

I had a meditation vision featuring a spider. Then I saw a web and realized it was spinning. As I continued analyzing, there were multiple webs connected to each other and spinning, much like gears. What’s that about?


I’m rather fond of Arachne’s vibe.

Does she have any advice, info, or recommendations for me regarding my current situation/path?

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Sounds like Arachne weaving the cosmos through interconnected fates. But I’m no expert on Greek Mythology.

It also sounds well trippy. interesting vision to have!

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It’s the connection of fates. The decisions you have made that are coming together and binding themselves into the here and the now.


Arachne says that you should look into: druids, herbs, wicca, healing and the witches runes. Hope this helps.


Arachne says that for now you need to work with Agares. Hope this helps.


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Many thanks! :slight_smile:

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My path is so lame :sob: I’m gonna need a little while to recover from this.

Thank you both.

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What ought I to do, to be successful when working with her? Thanks in advance.

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How should I proceed in my working with her


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Evoke her.


Hello, I would like to know if she ever wanted to contact me, a while ago I thought a lot about her since I saw spiders everywhere, I also have a story about an alterego in which I was a spider matriarch, I would like to know what she thinks about this I am telling so far I thought that I cannot be prepared, I feel far from someone advanced, but it would be ideal to hear it from you who have contact with her

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This Goddess incredibly attracted me when I read some articles about her and some videos on youtube, but a fact that always intrigued me was that when I heard about her I always felt a strong pressure on my head, I felt chills, in the first time my pressure went down and I felt bad for its so powerful energy but I was never brave to evoke it because I know I still have a way to go and then call for her when it is ready. I feel that she has something in common with me, it may be from other past lives because I feel her energy wanting to send me some answers and signs. Could you tell me if this is all real and if she has messages for me and if I can work with her now or in the near future?

Darkness blessing !! :wink: :black_heart:

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You are indeed ready to work with her.


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Yes you are supposed to work with her and are ready to do so.


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so has the spider godess tested me, what advice does she have for me and will i meet her on my path?

I woke up and see your message it was exactly 3:33 in the morning and 3 is a sacred number for me according to my guides… If this is not flawed it is certainly a sign of her to me. Thanks for the info Duchess

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Hi Duchess. I am unsure if this is the type of question you’d be able to answer, but what is Arachnes view on Spider Queen? It is a traditional Santeria cursing oil, I believe, and is meant to work through the defensive energy of the black widow spider.

I am pretty curious about its magickal roots, and especially whether it is connected to any goddess such as herself.

who else should i work with? or would work well with me, I’ve evoked arachne once and the experience was not bad, she bit me as a gigantic spider and i was cool with it