The spider goddess [closed]

Nyarlathotep? Now I was not expecting that, I have had an interest in him though but never pursued it. But now I have a reason.


That is interesting, because I’ve not worked with them in months lol.

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Solar spirit
Day time evokation for best results
Egyptian in origin
Incense: Sandalwood, Sage, Storax, Vervaine and Jasmine.
Colors: yellow, sky blue, green and purple.
He teaches sex magick, necromancy, cursing and killing, medicine, the use of herbs in magick, blood magick, use of crystals, alchemy, liberal sciences, mathematics.
He enjoys teaching as well as acquiring knowledge. He is patient but not sarcastic although he does enjoy the occasional joke. Not terribly strict but does not like complacency. Can be easy to get along with. Hope this helps.


So yes, she put/tried to put a love spell on you and yes, it fucked up you life and yes, that’s why Arachne is here.



What is my Trial. How do I successfully go through this and pass. What’s left to do. Funny enough I’m just from contacting her. Or rather which spirit can help me the most

Crazy. I cannot lie , after this i fell asleep . I’m sure it was him he looked like an older man with some kind of book but a huge scroll and said “ your thoughts and desires will come about “ something like that . And. Stamped fire into the scroll. Looked exactly rly like this . Since my senses aren’t totally there i do communicate via dreams . I have a dream journal i keep, kinda lol


Can I ask also here? If hes, does Arachne know which are my spiritual guides?
Thank you in advance!

Hello, can you ask if Lady Arachne wishes to work with me? And if so what she can offer to me. Thanks!

Or if not her, anyone else?

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Could you ask her what demons would like to work with me?

Thank you and hail Sepheranz

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One more question: Would it be alright for me to call Arachne to help with a baneful ritual against trafficking?

Can you ask her about the experience i had with her. Was that the black flame? (just looking for confirmation)
And all the stress i went through in the past couple of 2 or 3 months… am i safe? Will i remain free.

Yes, you may.


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I literally evoked her for the first(technically second) time yesterday. Wellp, I suppose this is coincidence enough for me lmao


Calling Sepheranz without worthy offerings is courting disaster. - THE ALTAR OF SACRIFICE
by Mark Alan Smith


Arachne says that even if it’s a candle and an incense shell be fine as long as your ready to work with her.


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Unfortunately she does not. Sorry.


You are currently not ready to work with Arachne. You should first work with Laylah and Heraclos. They are both Nightmare angels that reside in the sphere of Daath.

Hope this helps.


Arachne says that you are currently not going through her trials. These are the spirits she recommends: Amon, Alloces, Focalor, Valefor, Naberius, Paimon, Ronove and Sabnock. Hope this helps.


I don’t usually ask things about myself, and I don’t usually get others to tell me anything. Yet I got immediately drawn to the post and I’m getting the message to ask…What might it be that you have to tell me friend?
I haven’t consciously worked with Arachne for a while, she does let me know she’s around though. I get the feeling I’ve been missing something due to unwelcome drama and not being in the right headspace.

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She is indeed in your life. She wants you to have more conviction. She also says you can request a reading should you wish it.


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