Chapter 6
Some good reading material you should consider.
Here’s a brief list of books most of them I read in my early 20s. This list is by no means complete there are plenty of good books I probably forgot to add to the list or never read.
I’m providing this to you because I think the knowledge contained there helps promote a solid magickal practice.
Initiation into hermetics (by far one of the best)
Sacred magick of the angels
3 books of occult philosophy
The heptameron
Creative visualization - Shakti Gawain
Communing with spirits - Coleman
Modern magick - DMK
777 - Crowley
Morals and dogma - Pike
Secret teachings of the ages - M. Hall
Anything by author “Ophiel”
The arbatel
Astral dynamics
Psychic self defense - r.bruce
The unquiet dead - fiore
Sepher yetzirah
Book of ratziel
Wisdom of the mystic masters - Weed
Summoning spirits - Konstantinos
My life with the spirits - Duquette
Greater key of Solomon
Lesser key of Solomon
These are some great titles. Check them out if you have the opportunity.