The Hidden Hand behind Quantum computing

The meaning of life is easy to understand if you work reasoning backwards. What are the qualifications for something to be considered alive?

  1. It consumes and produces waste.
  2. It grows
  3. It reproduces.

The meaning of life is to grow and reproduce. What
Is the purpose of growing and reproducing?
It is to continue. But why continue? Well what is the end result of this continuation? The end results of action is the purpose of the action. The action of growing reproducing and continuing produce the results of evolution.
Evolution is growing on a larger scale, and the end result of continuation.
Therefore by logical deduction the meaning of life is to evolve.
Then you say but why evolve? To which I say why not? There is no good reason to not evolve. The lack of reason to not evolve is enough validation for the evolution and therefore a purpose in itā€™s self. So again we come to the logical conclusion that the meaning of life is to evolve. The opposite would be to not exist, and the purpose of not existence is to not exist. So it is a purpose in itā€™s self. And again we come to the logical conclusion that evolution is the purpose of life.

So there you have it! Iā€™m the first person in the history of the world to tame that beast! I solved the question. I did it with science. Soā€¦Now that this one is no longer on the table what else have you got for me? How about something harder this time? Oh you donā€™t have anything harder than the meaning of life? Oh booā€¦I wanted a challenge.

And here is some evidence that we are living in a computer simulation.


I believe the key is the 12 vortices of consciousness, and they are the real reason for wars, because he who controls them controls humanityā€™s evolution. I donā€™t know why people donā€™t talk about it, I deduct answers from lack of in formation, and the lack of info on the vortices of consciousness screams thatā€™s its of the upmost importance.


These vortices move with each Aeon, so since we are moving into Aquarius they move too. The reason I say wars are for control of these earth chakras is the next move will put the heart chakra in Iran and the faux Hebrews want control of it because these energy centres though history have made the inhabitants extremely knowledgeable and we all know knowledge is power.

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A post on reddit claimed the mandella effect was created by a sentient computer created by the military industrial complex, it had tapped into the collective unconscious that humanity is all connected too, here is the link.

I love it!

It also seems that one of the many consequences of this is that organisms that live at the goldilocks zone* between the atomic and celestial scale can actually look out at the All. The All gets to witness itself.

  • I say goldilocks zone, to draw a parallel to the Astronomical Unit and how the Earth is not too far and not too close to the Sun.

The spiraling nature of absolutely everything including matter and energy seems to coalesce nicely within living creatures such that we can experience the All and interact with it.

Obviously my comment adds NOTHING to the conversation, but when we talk about the nature of reality and purpose, I thought it was relevant enough.


Seems to me like the author is either really creative or itā€™s another classic example of people who are good at math thinking they can do no wrong and know what is best for everyone else. Iā€™m good at math does that mean I have the right to mess around with things I donā€™t fully understand regardless of the safety and well being of the rest of the human race without their knowledge or consent?

Thatā€™s what I think of the people at Cern, they imagine themselves modern day Prometheus when they are not stealing the power of the gods but opening the gates to dimensions of beings who would eat our souls/spirits energy for breakfast. I get the sneaking suspicion some of them are already here, but they are only small, the bigger ones will come through the more powerful or should I say the more dark matter, cosmic soup they pull into this dimension, when thereā€™s is enough of it, some Levitation type creature will smell the dark matter like a shark smells blood and hell will be unleashed, and not the hell where everyoneā€™s bad I mean evil and chaos with no allegiance or care who you worshipped. Maybe we should concentrait our wills to break the collider, spiritual iedā€™s lol set the gremlins to work until they tell us the real motive.

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You know the way a photo copy gets worse with each copy well I believe de ja vu is just that in part , I get the suspicion Iā€™ve been here many many times already doing the exact same thing and de ja vu could also be telling you to do something different , that we arenā€™t reincarnated into new people but we live the same life over and over until we gain enough knowledge and wisdom and maybe even stop this plane of existence from being destroyed by science. The history of Atlantis repeating it self.