That Moment When 7: Just Tears in the Rain

Ich hoffe alles ist gut. Kommst du aus deutschland oder österreich?

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I hear you! But it’s foe a better you right?

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You’re for the Netherlands? nevermind I read that wrong. I have Dutch on the brain due to my BFF

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Dude you kill me :sob::sob:



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No my roots are Polish. I saw Helena’s sanitizer bottle with info on what I thought was German, so I thought I would ask? Surprised this plague has reached Europe with this intensity, this started suddenly in Los Angeles when people came back from visiting China, then became I’ll, several from a cruise ship.

The mass hysteria of this continues to spiral out of control. In Los Angeles the city council has closed all public facilities to include the public libraries and meeting places to include the Los Angeles Music Center for at least two weeks. I hope the virus will be subdued and die out at least in California.

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tmw some partners from a different (and far away) state quitted their collaboration with your company because of the new situation. Now what. Don’t you fucking tell me I’ll have to travel through this mess in addition :upside_down_face:

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Danke für das Teilen.

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I have a lot of clients in CA and they are all remote working. But then we are here in Florida too. They closed the schools and have it where no more then 10 people in a gathering at a time.

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Will you be able to travel any distance?

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Aye, my profession kinda belongs to the so called safety and hazard defense, I can go wherever I need to be if its for work. It sucks tho, since one trip would be a 5-6 hours car drive alone. Oh well.

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Eww that’s a long time in the car too. I think I would go crazy.

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I don’t think I will get out of this in a sane manner :smiley:

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In CA many restaurants have closed, the ones that are open only allow take out or take away, no more than 50 people can congregate in restaurants or public places.

At many markets even the dollar store are running out or low on frozen food, meat and chicken, paper towels, everyone is hording and buying out large quantities of goods.

At my main market they have locked the doors and closed for half the day, later they have reopened but will only let ten people in at a time, with security standing by the doors.

I am not sure about all cases in CA, about 3,500 cases of the coronavirus have been confirmed in the U.S., including 68 deaths, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

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That moment when your grandmother brings home holy water as a souvenir and you ask her if you can drink it because you have always wondered if you were a demon and you want to see if the holy water burns your insides

Also that moment when your grandmother denies your request to drink holy water.



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Meanwhile… they are still going to the Florida beaches in the thousands with orders not to.

Florida Man will be the reason the US goes under Marshall Law…

Sometimes I am ashamed of my state and people’s bad decisions. I wish we didn’t have to live up to the memes.

They did a fly over Orlando and all the theme parks.
It was eerie.


That moment when you remember your best friend once joked about wanting to prank a church by pretending to be possessed and it was the best thing ever to add to a future to do/bucket list.

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Yes it’s changing me for the better :blush: scary at first but all for the better

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Tmw Freya sent another cat because I was doubting it was her