That Moment When 6: Happy Trails to TMW! I'll Hope to See You Soon!

Tmw watching body horror movies is really affecting me because my nails are peeling off like a reptile scales…

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Sounds like ur feeding some scary egregore

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Nah, i think it was the combination of exposing my nails to certain chemicals and my superficial investigation about horror genres :woman_shrugging:


Yeah I can send a basic form of it to you via pm. Please keep in mind that this is meant for monks, who strive to be chaste. For the layman (in Tibetan buddhism at least), a little lust is not considered to be a bad thing (quite the opposite actually), but over activity is. I have to explain that so you can get an idea of the context behind the meditation.

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TMW when your first conference went so damn well! :black_heart::clinking_glasses:

I got an extra gift from a remote worker, then before we went to shopping to prepare the travel, my mother gave me a very important and kind bracelet of her:

I can’t believe it. I remember how much she loved it!
I already miss them so much. I should take some rest before this travel soooo… where is my energy drinks? :fire::battery:


Tmw I have been struggling to come up with the best way to describe what spirits are like to someone who cannot sense them. The best way I find that I can describe them without giving out too many pearls is that they are like living poetry. They reveal themselves with the illusions of the forms they appear to us while also revealing the truth of the potential of not only the world and ourselves but our species as a whole, much like the poet’s message is often hidden within the twists and turns of beautiful words that can distract the reader.


Poetry is primordial essences (emotions) given order/form. Just like Magick.

Or maybe being enamored with Odin makes me waky enough to see it that way :woman_shrugging:


I believe you are right actually. Then again, I also heavily appericate Odin so I may be just as wacky lol

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Gald and poetry feel the same to me.

And in both, if you get too caught up trying to make it perfect instead of getting a certain amount of structure set up then letting things flow, it’s going to be a dud

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Oh yeah, I learned that one the hard way many times

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Tmw I’m sitting at home listening to Atomic Symphony. They are awesome, and I can’t wait for their new album to drop whenever they decide to release it.


TMW I am dying. Trying to kick a soda habit but damn the headache.


Are you trying to kick caffeine or just sodas?

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Try easing down onto tea, it’s a softer caffeine hit and you can add some sugar? :tea:

^ Most English post ever, btw. :sunglasses:


Sparkling water taste better


Tmw people cant take a joke :clown_face:

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Just enough to wake me up but no jitters

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Soda, my kid is drinking too much too.

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I love tea actually I need to make some now.


Yea I am going to get some I think.

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