That Moment When 6: Happy Trails to TMW! I'll Hope to See You Soon!

Yeah I couldn’t use it ritually except as an offering for the same reason I can’t use cannabis in ritual. Too familiar with it.

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Right. Betel nuts are an interesting offering/substance for ritual. Same feeling as a nicotine rush without the nicotine. Years of use will turn your teeth red (and decades black) though.

I have been meaning to try betelnut for years now but never gotten around to it. Everytime I am placing an order online for the Indian snuff i always forget to include the betelnut packets.

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When you get around to it, I would recommend grounding them up, mix in some fennel seeds and dried fruits, and place them in a grape leaf. Form a small pouch into it and stick it in your mouth in between your jaw and cheek. Chew every now and then, but mainly suck on it. I remember you mentioning you had some teeth issues and this will prevent any injury as the nut is quite hard

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Yeah. Main issue being I am missing three and a half of them lol. But thanks for the tip. This is the stuff I would be getting. Its basically premixed minus the grape leaves.


There you go and no problem. I know how it feels, as I have no back teeth on either jaw anymore.


I feel for you man. I’ve found that my molars going don’t bother me nearly as much as missing part of my right top incisor though. But that’s just vanity talking.


Right, I feel you


Sweet Goddess…good stuff though?


Oh yeah. Straight natural tobacco with a scent unique to the leaves they use. But I know for a fact that this stuff will give even a pack a day smoker a head rush.

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Oh yeah, I can second that. The first time I did not even cure the plant right after harvesting and damn, it was strong.

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This is the specific one I use if anyone is interested.

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I’ve never been a pack a day smoker,but the cigs i smoke give most pack a day smokers a buzz after the first two puffs.

If you smoke ultra lights, don’t try AmSpirits :joy:


Tmw I need to get a reading :joy::joy::joy:
This is a fucking weird subject to. Wtf is my life turning into :rofl:

I haven’t smoked in years and I want to give that a try.


Go for it. Snuff is cheap and I have been using Mr Snuff for over a decade to order it, so I can vouch for their business legitimacy.


Especially the black pack lol

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What’s interesting is the thread began to glitch specifically when I hit this part.

If you add this up with our recent convo tho :wink:

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Damn thing glitched for me to at that part. Interesting. Glad to see im not the only one

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That’s weird, I wonder why

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