That Moment When 6: Happy Trails to TMW! I'll Hope to See You Soon!

Damn that’s cool. Any idea where I fit into that? Im thinking im a commander of a Battalion. Im not a priest, and more then a warrior.
Eh fuck it, my luck im a priest and I hate priest.

Lol well better to be forewarned then not.
Im okay with doomsday readings lol. If you ever want to give a doom and gloom reading im free Rofl :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Guaranteed doom and gloom in my reading

Want to do a reading for me?

TMW I just lost my school laptop in the apartment somewhere :thinking:

Tmw i need insight on why i have a terrible time finding a job…or better yet why I can’t even get one

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I am in the same Boat as you. I am doing apps daily too.

Networking, improving skill sets really helps a lot.

Got any temporary work agencies in your area? Might be a way to get in the door somewhere

That moment when the Zombie Emo Unicorn returns . . .


Maybe try making a Resume? I know that impresses employers. If you google theres plenty of free templates out there.

I have a resume.

@Dralukmun yes and I need to get a hold of one of them after the holidays.

@Brand_New i want to volunteer at an animal shelter to gain skills but my mom refuses to let me…we are like goats butting each other head

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Because in her opinion volunteer stuff doesn’t pay. She always goes on and on how at 18 she had a job 3 days after high school and at my age she was married, had me, going to school, a job, and was pregnant with my brother.

That’s it. That was her life. She made her own choices then and she have to accept that she have no rights to steal yours and live your life instead. Be yourself, and do what you want.

If you can live from that payment, and you enjoy what you are doing, then why would you throw out your happines for a job what gives you more money, and it has a chance that it will make your life is a living hell. Lot’s of people realized when it was too late, that money isn’t the meaning of life, and they wasted a lot of time with doing what they didn’t liked to. Just because others kept repeating their nonsenses about it.

I started working when I was 16-17 years old. Got no too much choices (or I could watch how my family becomes a homeless) but I know that even in this situation, the choice was my own. And I made the right decision with that; with not listening what others said.

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Worse part is that she listen to her stepsister about they should do for me. My aunt tried to talk her into having my tubes tied, and being put on social checks and place me in assisted living. I believe she also was the one who talked my mom into attending that government training school that was a waste of time.

May I please have a reading Oddnan? In return you can have an IOU, to be used at any future date.

Well, what lovely people. How courteous of your aunt to leave out asylums and eugenics…

But, on a more positive note, you could say that volunteering at an animal shelter would be a development of not only social skills, but organization and resource management as well.

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Yeah, after saving that stray kitten and he is happy and active I want to try doing animal work. I have told her that if she let me volunteer I get the skills and things to find a job. But like I said, she is stubborn.

You need to live your own life, especially if they want to lock you up and make you infertile. Your life is choice and you make your own destiny.

That’s a shame. Unfortunately, to live the life you wish to, you are likely going to need to piss some people off for a time with whatever decision you make. Afterall, it is yourself that you have to answer to when you are dying, not them.

@Bunnygamer1994 tell your mother that doing volunteer work can actually help you get a job. Some employers actually look for things like that even more than they look at your schooling because it shows the willingness to work, it shows community mindedness, and it shows the ability to get along with others aka social skills. I have actually been hired based on my volunteer work before.

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