That Moment When 6: Happy Trails to TMW! I'll Hope to See You Soon!

Real footage of an animal being tested for make up:


Looks quite sad, confused and a bit embarrassed


Right now he just wants to listen to me, but his force feels so calming like an ancestor watching over me telling me it is going to be okay just let it out.

Also small strange wonderful things have been happening.


That’s so funny. That you post this… See side note.

Side note There was actually a magazine at my college that was talking about ending animal testing.



I had to walk to the bank to get my rent money today, and it was pouring. I got to the bank and was completely dry from the ankles up.

Originally I was wanting a grey one, but the one I had saved was out of stock, and I couldn’t find a different grey one that was nice and wool. I ended up getting the burgundy because it was in stock and had prime shipping. And the color has kinda grown on me.


TMW rucksack is packed, robes are fresh, ritual knife is sharp, and got a bottle of wine carefully stowed. This looks to be a good trip. Now to settle a few last bits of business before seclusion in the woods for a long ass time.


Tmw stupid fallout 76 griefers…ugh i met my first one today…I set my base by a farm not far from the nuka cola plant and went to rest my character…this user shows up level 124 name Hurricane something and uses his sledgehammer too try and destroy my house, my vendor stall, my turrets, and hit me!? At least he bought my cheap stimpaks…I’m selling what scrap I can, radaway, and ammo


Tmw teaching wife how to layer curses over multiple workings in order to destroy defenses and create multiple impacts to immobilize an enemy, as well as how to not lust for results


Yeah, I’ve been hearing a calling from Bael as well. I was planning on moving onto lilith next in my pathworking, but his call is vibrating throughout my body so I may have to go to him first. He is a part of the Qliphoth as well so it fits in the pathworking.


Holy shit it’s a small fucking world.

I’m on a Discord server for the podcast I’m doing sound engineer work for. The podcast has nothing to do with the occult at all. One of the people on the server was on an occult server I used to be on, and it was both surprising and hilarious. The occult server we were both on was basically a lolcow of an occult-shitpost server.

Fucking Syzygy man.


TMW intense sexual tension you don’t know how to deal with

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Tmw i think I’m gonna start my own journal, of my tarot adventure. Idk, if I should or not though I want to do a post about haunted houses and cryptids.


Why not two journals?

Tmw designing a multi fold cursing method that ties in servitor creation, banishment of resources, amplification of weaknesses, poisoning of entire energy systems, and finally the “killing blow” to help my wife. Should take about a week or two of rituals to complete. I would go with the Master curse, if I knew it. Another book to be added to my library lol

That’s genius…i feel like bubba j all of a sudden…i believe in them cryptic hell we have some interesting ones besides the Jersey devil, mothman, and Bigfoot…we have a wingless dragon cryptid in my state, a big ol white bass or catfish that is monster size, oh and a werewolf…that catfish would feed an entire group of people…and have its bones at the museum

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We have a stories of werewolves, windigos and the red dwarf in my state lol. Not to mention all the ghost ship stories of those that perished in the great lakes

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I wanna see a werewolf, for sexual reason of course :wink:

Wendigos are horrifying, I seen some in fallout 76 playthrough on Oxhorn channel, what they are on widgeon tv, and juice head.

You sure it wasn’t a small stature person with red hair? For the red dwarf.

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I have not came across one personally, but yeah, that would be a scary experience.

As for werewolves, indo not know any to recommend to you I am afraid lol

As far as if I believe they exist…it is a strange world out there and who really knows what does and does not exist.

I feel bad for Chtulu, I bet he gets text messages from his fellow deities teasing him about tentacle porn, tentacle shaped toys, and steamy fan fiction. And drawings too. I wonder if he is okay about that, or he gets embarrassed about it. That is a unsolved mystery in of itself.


Take care, cat :slight_smile: