Thank You Spirit Gaap!

Thank you spirit Gaap for bringing me rapid results regarding a permanent separation between two people. I highly suggest working with this powerful and mighty Goetic spirit. Hail Gaap! Thank you again Gaap! I used a ritual from the book Demon’s of Magick by the Gallery of Magick.


Again, we have a specific thread for this so please stop making individual threads.

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how did you do it?

Hey, which ritual from that book did you use, I’m currently trying to do the same thing, with Gaap. thank you

it’s mentioned in his post that it’s demons of magick book. :laughing: slow down and smell the roses. =o) Use all 3. lol. probably 2 or 3. they are more complete. 2nd, 3rd method practically the same except for one additional process. 1st one too much work with the paper wrapping thing for me. I go right to #2. i don’t need the full evocation to see demon. i care for result. i don’t need see them. they will let me see them when they want.

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yeah I know thats what I was wondering, 1, 2 or 3 lol

gaap specialize in lucid dreaming and astral projection too. so that you can spy on them for feedback. haha.

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