Tanazal...what can you tell me about him?

I have noticed that Tanazal is a part of the 3rd Kingdom of Flames in Kingdoms of Flame. I have seen him mentioned on this forum, but not really discussed much. Does anybody have an additional info that they care to share about him? The book does not go into much detail. To me, he sounds like the only thing that he does is to get people confused on what path they should follow…like “Do I choose Wicca or Reiki?”. What don’t I know that you might like to share? :slight_smile:

@anon39079500 has a journal where he details his experiences summoning each entity from Kingdoms of Flame, so perhaps he can elaborate on this particular demon.



I reread my entry and just reread the book entry to jog my memory.

He can cause you (or someone else) to see what he wishes. I had been in that room before, yet couldn’t see past his illusion of darkness to see it as I knew it. Then entry said he had a body and form, but I couldn’t see past his darkness to see or discern it. He was in charge at the moment, as an act of showing his ability to affect me that much, in that place.

I haven’t called on him outside of that space, so I can’t say anything else about real.world targets. But he clearly has some ability.



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Thanks for the info.