Talking to demons with Ouija Board

So I have been wondering; is it possible to speak with a demon via the Ouija Board? If so, where can I buy one and will I still need black candles?


Yes you can but there are more reliable options


Ouija boards are bad news if you don’t know what you’re doing. I know what I’m doing and I still don’t like them.


I would stay away from Ouija-board too.

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Lucifer hates it when I try using Diviniation tools to talk including the other Daemonic kings.

He basicly disabled my ability to use pendulums to talk.


Evoke Daemons often
Exposure to Daemonic energy will cause your senses to force them selves open.

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What @AlphaC said. I’ve tried using divination to communicate during evocation…they don’t seem to like it. Infact they deliberately give me mixed answers. I believe this is to force me to use my own abilities.


Dude, have you never heard of the search function?

I get up today and find 16 new threads, and 12 of them are from you asking questions easily answered by using the little magnifying glass. It’s there for a reason.


Think of a ouija board as a portal. Then think of you putting your hands on the ouija board as you saying “Any and all spirits come through this board so I can give you attention!” If you’re an experienced magician you should be fine and should be in complete control. If not don’t go anywhere near it. All sorts of nasty parasites LOVE spirit boards. If you are going to do it and my warning won’t stop you. Then surround the board with the sigil of the daemon you want to call. Do everything right. Place the associated metal of the daemon on the board light his/her incense etc.


I have to ask: are they really that dangerous or is that just Hollywood? I’ve used one before and had no problems at all. I own one but haven’t brought it out in quite a while.


It’s dangerous due to how it pretty much lets anything through. It also depends on where you are and how you feel. if you feel scared, it will attract negative entities. A lot of parasites will come through. They feed off of your energy or your attention that you give them.


Noted. I wasn’t scared at all. I might have gotten lucky considering it was a general invitation when I used it.


The Ouija board works well with spirits of the dead or their ilk and not well at all with much of anything else, there are alot of techniques and resources on how to communicate with demons, angels, gods, etc available on here but you most likely should have been able to find them by now.

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Spirit boards are wonderful. I own 23 of them.


that is just Hollywood. If they were that dangerous they would have been canceled as soon Hasbro finds out


I like your faith in humanity but I’m going to have to disagree and say that they would continue to sell them even if they knew of danger because they want the profit.

But as far as the Hollywood thing the representations of working with Oujia boards in popular culture are very negative and I can see what people in this thread said above…it makes sense that ones expectations will affect their experiences.

But all I can say is that I had no problems and never met anyone who has but I don’t want to discount the testimonies of those who used one and had troubles afterwards.

I made my own Ouija board and had a bit of success with it. Though, I didn’t know it was successful until recently, 6 years later. lol I used a wine glass as a planchette.

I was reviewing my grimoire and decided to research some of the messages I did receive. At the time, I introduced myself and basically opened the board up to demonic/infernal spirits specifically. I felt a presence behind me as it started to move the glass. I had asked it, “what would you like me to do?”

I had believed for the longest time that the responses I received was pure gibberish, until I recently plugged the words into a translator. To detect if the words perhaps belonged to any language.

The first response was “Riu”, then a long pause. And then the demon continued with “Dpu Kreu”. I just wrote it off that I was tired, at this point it felt cold behind me and was slightly warming up. My heart suddenly started pounding and I felt a bit aroused… Then, I respectfully dismissed myself. Explaining to the demon I was tired, but he was welcome to stay as long as he wished, especially since I had invited him. He lingered for a bit, then his energy dissipated.

Well, it turns out, Riu means “Laugh” in Catalan.(It could also mean “river”; however, given the context, “laugh” seems to make more sense). And Dpu Kreu is a phrase in Latvian meaning “Drop Down”. After I had that session was when the yanking and pulling sensations of my astral body started, as well as very intense visions. This went on for a whole day. By the end of that day, I was forced out of my body by the unnamed demons I currently work with. And I did, drop down. Waaaaaay down it seemed, is where they took me. Completely ejected from my body.

All this time, I had no idea that I actually made contact that day. It was just in a language I couldn’t understand. However, the messages are relevant to what happened to me afterwards. Very intriguing experience.


This is a very interesting thread.
I’m very interested to start using a Ouija board, as I have never done so before.
And like @DarkestKnight said, you can put almost anything in the search bar, and find a ton of info about it on here.


I’v been hesitant to try a Ouija board because I’m not sure how many answers come from a spirit or other entity and how much comes from the ideomotor effect. I know of one study that tested subjects with a blindfold and it turns out that if you can’t actually see the layout of the board, what comes out is a string of random gibberish. I can’t dismiss it as bunk, but I can’t say it’s a fool-proof tool for communication, either.


Very interesting, I want to try that now.

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