Taking criticisms on my altar - what am I doing wrong? doubtful anything to do with altar

We have to open the third eye before we cross over into our new enlightened selves.Just try doing this.Place the red part/north node of a magnet between your eyes (a bit above) the third eye.It will take away the dryness, calcification and damage.2 hours a day of a neodymium magnet can help you achieve wonders.

Brain damage is common from Tv and cell phone waves, especially if you have had a stressful life.

You are beautiful, inside and outside just like the rest of us. Don’t say you are damaged, just believe you are healing from life and recovering and getting ready for your next battles.

Your evocations led you to this forum.You are being given help from people hundreds of miles away from you.You are being heard and the universe is responding to you.

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Thank you again for the kind words. Although I must admit I have no idea what you mean by neodymium magnet. Guess that’s one for google

Ok- it’s a type of rare earth magnet. That took all of 30 seconds- isn’t technology great :neutral_face:

Yes, and guess what, you keep the north side on your crown chakra for 1 hour everyday and then see how you get goosebumps all over and how quickly you manifest stuff x

I had to google what you meant by “crown chakra” and from what I gathered it’s some sort of image- looks like- I don’t know what it looks like. Something I’d find in a import store with India or Hindu stuff. Not sure - again- what you mean by keeping the north side of the magnet on your crown chakra

Your front head area close to the forehead is your crown chakra.

This area is responsible for making stuff happen in accordance to your will.

A good head massage or a session with magnets keep above your head (north side touches the head ) will do wonders

Now that is very interesting

Above the head like slightly above the forehead in the hairline sorta? You know when I first started venturing into this I never imagined having such type of conversations.
So how the hell do you keep it there literally hold it for an hour? Also regarding my basement yea I don’t really have any other option but it is an old house and you could say the basement is sorta ventilated though not mechanically- although there is a window in the room. I’m by the- ok directly right by like drive a block and see it the largest fresh water lake in the world and the wind is usually pretty brutal. Once I tried to go to what they call “the point” where it is we’ll known that it is right on the lake and is an old native burial ground- I attempted an evolution there but on the lake with the wind staying focused was quite a challenge

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Is all this to say black chakra stones are counterproductive- I have yet to really buy into the whole concept of chakra stones but I read somewhere that the black chakra stone can help “ground you” after “spiritual work” then again I also read a black tiktite chakra stone " activates and enhances psychic abilities" so I would consider those statements conflicting although not from the same source

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Also this has peaked my curiosity in kundalini- is there a correlation or even dare I say they’re synonyms of sort with the chakra crown and the sahasrara?

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I would recommend a google search here.Try looking for all these chakras.Mr Koettings works on the ajna chakra third eye are seminal.

Have a look.Google is a sorcerer’s best friend!

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The Sahasrara Chakra is the proper Hindi name for the Crown Chakra.


I’ve grown increasingly intrigued by this and even done some research- not that I didn’t believe you- and it seems as though the magnet can indeed open the pinural (I probably butchered that) gland aka third eye. My question is your comment regarding the South Pole possibly leading to brain damage. See I purchased these little magnets (see picture) that are that are that big d starting word. I’ve identified which is north and South Pole and luckily there on the flat side so they fit perfectly under neath the brim of hat or bandana or whatever- I know there’s probably no Drs in the house but these little buggers are amazingly strong. That said I’m i at risk for being in to close of contact with the South Pole even though the north is facing me and my forehead? The whole South Pole brain damage thing has me concerned since I think my brain may be damaged enough. Like I said I’ve been quite interested in all this which brings me to another question. There’s numerous warnings out there about working towards opening you third eye without working your way through all the lower chakras first? How do you feel about this? Like I said I’ve found it so interesting and a missing piece of a larger unexplored puzzle for me I haven’t been very active here lately. Thanks

As long as the north pole of the magnet touches your skin you are safe.Tray taping the magnet to your third eye on the forehead northside touching the skin for a few hours every day.

I have seen many sorcerers place a sigil or seal on their third eye when wishing for something or trying to connect with it.I like to get stickers made on photo paper of runes and sigils and I stick them on my head for the meditation hours.I even sleep with a sigil or rune pasted to my head sometimes.

I am so happy my advice helped you.As always I am here to assist you.

Try sticking one magnet to your throat chakra area (google this) northside down and one to your forehead third eye.

You can even sew the magnet southside up and northside down inside your cap.Just avoid any supermarkets or security booths as the buzzer might go off when you are entering there.I have seen security people make quite a fuss on talismans.

So the magnet needs to actually touch the skin? If so out goes the inside the brim of hat during work hours. Is it possible to cause some sort of damage from over doing it like say taping it to my forehead as I sleep?

Something that helped me a lot was meditating on why I am trying to use black magick

Yes, that will help if the north side touches your skin.

It has not damaged me so far, been doing it for a couple of months,If anything it helped me become more telepathic and aware and yes my pimples healed very quickly possibly because the north pole speeds up healing of infections.

I’m revisiting this because this was the thread where I started ranting about it- any comments - which I don’t see a lot of hear but I’ll say it anyways- ridiculous like oh your windows are open or call a pest control or you have dead rodents in walls please keep to yourself as I’m quite serious here. I spoke of a recent fly epidemic in my home. I’ve never seen a rodent and sure a fly here and there but there are swarms in my house!!! Now I know I said something to the effect of no I’ve never tried evoking Beelzebub or anything like that but sure have attempted to use his name as a commanding force if you will during evocation attempts. One thing I forget to mention and I can’t say that it started around the time I got it but I did recently before all this fly biz started purchased a SPELL KIT OF DIVINATION AND MAGICKIAL WISDOM (BEELZEBUB) (just copied and pasted hence caps) which has just been sitting in a drawer- maybe I’m crazy but is there a chance that the flies are a sign compelling me to use and perform??? Or have I just attracted some unwanted attention through my endeavors. I’ve lived here for a few years- never seen a rodent, house is clean, and certainly never had rooms swarming with flies. Maybe a stretch with the beelzebub thing dunno. HAS ANYONE had any similar experiences??

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Sounds like he wants to.work with you