Summoning Satan ritual

I want to do a ritual to meet Satan. However, I am currently living in a landlord’s property, don’t have much privacy and full freedom and sounds can be easily heard through walls. There are also cctvs almost everywhere in the property. Will the ritual involve a lot of sounds and lighting? How much would it cost for every tools to do the ritual? Would this be something I can do in my current situation or would it be better and appropriate in terms of privacy, security, safety and freedom when I get my own place?

You can do completely tool-free magic, where props are not necessary. The thread below might help. Also, you don’t need to speak aloud if you don’t have the privacy to do so.

I’d recommend getting familiar with a banishing/cleansing ritual first, like the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP). If you search the forum or the internet you will find a lot of information on how this is done. If you’re worried about privacy/being filmed, you can do it “astrally” (i.e. in your imagination), or if anyone asks about it, explain that you’re doing yoga or calisthenics or something.

Also note regarding Satan; Satan is generally considered to be a mask/title/mantle which coves a handful of different entities. This is my personal experience and I would hazard a guess that it’s the experience of a lot of other people, too. There could also be an egregoric/thoughtform version of Satan, which isn’t really guaranteed to have any power or influence.

You may also want to search this forum for the “seal of manifestation” and print or draw a copy and have it nearby, to keep imposter spirits out.

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As there is no universal ritual for satan there is no universal answer.
The best way is to look at the ritual you want to use and see if there is any particular movments you need to do, any chantings, any sacrifices etc.

Practice the movments while in the shower, outside walking or cooking.
Any chants can be done in a harsh whisper.
Seals can be memorised.
The only problems are when blood sacrifices or inceses are to be used.

I would personally not recomend using LBPR as a habbit as letting energies flow naturally will give stronger rituals in the future.

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Essential oil diffusors have been recommended to me before when living in harsh rule set places with no candles or incense, you can get electric candles as well.

Not usually. You can vibrate chats etc. at normal speaking volume, and props like candles are optional.

Research some actual rituals (don’t assume real rituals are anything like TV - they’re not - 99% of a ritual is all in your head and heart), pick one that looks interesting, and edit it to suit.

Everything you need is here

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Hello… I live in Greece and I want to become a magician, but I do not speak English … Can you help me ?

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