Summoning Duchess Buné

okay, thanks in advance. i ll tell you when i’m about to do it and what results i’ve accomplished so far.

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btw, i have a printed sigil tho the circe couldnt be fully printed and only the B and N are visible. should i use it or not?

Try cutting or folding (in the direction opposite to the sigil) the paper around, but theoretically you may use it nonetheless.
If you want, it’s possible to visualize a little flame on tip of right index finger and “redraw” the sigil’s lines.

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what you’re saying is that the letters B, U, N, and E, and also the circle doesn’t really matter? thus the sigil is the most important?

Bune has both male and female aspects
She will hear you if you summon her, and intend to meet her.
Stop worrying your age. Best thing to do is make a pact. Most amateurs mistake calling an entity once and done. Pacts however allow the continuous flow of your request.


They may be a good addition, but if the circle isn’t complete and there are only some letters, it may be preferred to discard them; although I think they wouldn’t be absolute hindrances.

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I want to say that I’ve meditated to the sigil while listening to the enn and after it’s finished I felt really dizzy and sleepy all of a sudden. is it normal?

It may have been a trance, at least in its beginning stage. The key is to become very relaxed while remaining wakeful. Gnostic trance or TGS (Theta Gamma Sync) is useful in magick, when you open a sigil you’re in fact entering a trance.

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do you want to sau that i should do it everyday?

okay, thank you for all the advice you have given me

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Do what everyday?

pray to Bune?

Don’t need pray, that’s Christian. Praise in gratitude is something you can do. Don’t worship or pray to any god.


I love just talking to her. I wouldn’t pray to her. I’m not sure she’d find that very appealing anyway lol

could you tell me how do i get her to talk to me?

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Well, I think that’s different for everyone. I’m still developing my own abilities, but for me, I feel a lot more than I hear…but it feels like hearing at the same time…just I guess on a deeper level than anything auditory could be for me. I’ve never evoked or invoked Bune. I didn’t seem to have to. I was in a very desperate place, not with money like people usually call her for, but other things. I have bad panic attacks once in a while and when I get them, they go on off and on for about a week.

I happened to come across BALG one day and her name was just popping up everywhere. I was curious. Looked up her sigil and everything…and then kind of became a bit obsessive for a few days just trying to learn all I could. It was the wierdest thing. I was still going through this panic attack at the time, and then one night…I thought of her when trying to fall asleep and saying her enn at the same time. I had a dream about a beautiful goddess that night who felt like a mother to me. After that…I woke and the panic was gone and hasn’t come back sense. If it starts, I feel as though she is right behind me with a hand on my shoulder telling me to calm the hell down.

For you, it could be completely different but that’s how it was for me. Coming from a completely Catholic background, perhaps you can imagine how confusing that could have potentially been for me…but once she came into the picture…that wasn’t the case. My mind has opened a lot more sense then. Speak to her. Talk to her. Say her enn if you like (I love to do it). It’ll happen, just be honest and open with her and she will make herself known eventually.

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you will talk to her by focusing your intention to talk to her. plain and simple. hearing the spirit takes some practice. You’ll know if she likes you or agree to your terms of the pact if you feel its right.