Spirits for friendships

HI Magi,

Im a loner, I dont have many friends. I want to get some good quality friends. Also, I am interested in becoming friends with some specific people. I dont know which spirits are good for this.

Are there any spirits that can help in this??

Thanks in advance.



In EA’s book, Kingdoms of Flame, there is a perfect spirit for this, Saspu, the Angel of Love and Friendship.


While you’re doing the magick for the outer world, you can create an inner support group too:


It is pretty good that you add " quality friends"
I am a loner too, and I understand you.
I am not someone shy, but current people just get me bored,
It is not their fault of course, it is just that I am in love about magick and entities, and passed the " hooo, see how the day is looking bright" or some mundane chat, I just get bored.
Also, people that I don’t even know tend to talk to me about their problems, each time I am around sooner or later they will talk about their personal drama,
And I know why, I am someone who truly listens what others have to say, and unconsciously, they know.
Each time I am outside, strangers just come talk to me out of the blue…if I wanted to have 1k fake friends now I would be all good, but like you, it is not something I am looking for, well, not anymore.
Demons or other entities can really help you with that, I came from 0 mage friends to 5 now in 3 months,
And it feels so good to exchange with people who are actually knowing what you are talking about…and the jokes are heartwarming!

Lucifer was the one that have put my friends in my life now, but do a little research or take DarkestKnight advices and sure you will have pleasant surprises about friends this year!


You stole my words bro, but I am Shy type :stuck_out_tongue:
IDK why but I just feel that I dont belong to this timeline.
Got a remedy for that?? :joy:


Now I know what we both have in common :wink:


I would suggest amon because he helps with friending and making enemy’s friends.


Haha, I ask myself if anyone here really belongs to this time line,lol,
It is like we are all the base line for a brighter future in this Earth or dimension, and we are the ones who suffer ( spiritually) to make this world ( magically) great again !

Well, if I could give you a remedy for that, I would probably drink all the bottle the way before your home, haha!
Jokes a part, I have no idea how is your degree of shyness, if we can tell it like that,
But once you will ask a entity to help you, sooner or later you will be forced to take a first step, like you did here, and be ready for a hell of a ride, :smile:
That if you want to have physical friends the everyday buddies,
If you are looking for forum,online friends,
Here on BALG you will maybe have a whole new family!


This is what I am looking for. If they are into magick then super duper awesome :wink:
I am the only one in my family whose into magick, loner here as well :joy: