So I want to know more about the older members here

Well in my books they have a good moral compass that more or less gives you the choice to do what you will so long as no one is harmed they may have rules but no one in it follows these so called rules

@Angelic Sometimes people need to be harmed and morals are subjective to the individual. @JezebelleMoon Same. I didn’t even touch the stuff. Most people who get into the stuff either go back to Christianity or find something more powerful.

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I understand that but it kinda prevents people from going “hey I have all this power I want these random people who have never wronged me to suffer” sure it’s an extreme example but still I think their laws help keep good people good and make terrible people better

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If you put it that way, I agree. I also think they were new ideas that came about in a Christian culture so they had to appear as non-threatening as possible to survive as a system of ideas.

In my opinion true wiccans are just like everyone here but the “typical” ones arent

The thing is “wiccan” isn’t a philosophy it was made as a religion as a way for some people to practice openly without scarying the normies too bad. Unfortunately there are alot of people who take the “morality” of it and their karmic idea of the “3 fold law” and use it to manipulate people just as much as the JCI religions do.

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True but some people like the members here do the same thing

Eh not quite there are a few threads debating or asking about “karma” which is derived and mutated from the idea of dharma. But the forum has rules against preaching and bashing on people trying to impose their morals on anothers goals. The moderators have been very good at handling the minimal amount of drama that has popped up in the year I’ve been here.

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My appologies

None needed. :thinking: just a simple exchange of ideas at hand.

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I was mearly trying to point out or add details that others may or may not be aware of

:joy::joy::joy: Me too! The one they did taking the p**s out of campus snowflakes and the PC culture was hilarious.


What’s interesting is that Wicca seems to focus heavily on the aspect of male and female gender, and that could also be seen, accurately, i think, as the Gender (that which creates new life or new forms) principle in the Kybalion.

And yeah there are many objections to the Wiccan Rede etc., and wiccans in general, but it is a fact the “safeness” of wicca and its similarity to existing desert-cult moral codes, has made magick a more friendly and familiar thing and less to be feared and shunned, so we’re all really gaining form its existence, and precisely from the moralistic aspects and the conformity that we dislike.

But in its role as the intermediary between the then-current belief system and where we are now, it fulfilled its role of generative creation very nicely. :thinking:


Wicca brought me to magick. Their authors, like Silver Ravenwolf, were some of the first magical books I read because for the longest time they were the only ones available where I lived :slight_smile:

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