Sitri and Gremori

Hello, I have been working with a practitioner to get an ex back. He invoked Sitri on my behalf over last two nights and is gonna invoke Gremori next week. Does anyone have any experience with working with these demons together? Is this a good combination? Any help would be much appreciated, thanks :slight_smile:

Welcome @magick8954 It is a rule of this forum for all new members to properly introduce themselves, so PLEASE CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick, such as what you practice, how long you have practiced, areas of interest, etc:


I work with Sitri quite a bit. It’s usually knot a good idea to call multiple spirits for the same thing because the intents/magick can get tangled. But if they know what they’re doing it should be fine. Mostly, what do you want from your ex though?

Is it sex? For things to be great? Obsession? Love? Etc. That’s something that really matters with magick, the results that you’re trying to attain. From there, you can choose spirits aligned with your goal. And how to approach the topic with them.

Don’t expect everything to be wonderful like it was, love magick gets tricky when it works.

we invoked sitri for passion and gremori for love. is this a good combination?

When you’ve posted a real introduction I’ll be more inclined to respond.

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I just did. Heres a bit more haha, Im based in the UK. I’m fairly new to magick and I am fascinated with the ars goetia. Trying to learn more about it. I think magick is a great way to achieve your goals with real world action. I am also interested in tarot

@DarkestKnight has already responded to you on the intro thread. Saying your name and that you like magick is not an introduction.

Usually people answer where they’re from, what they practice, how long they’ve practiced for, what they’re interested in learning, etc.

@DarkestKnight I have just responded to the thread again. Is that okay? :slight_smile:

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So, if you didn’t do this ritual, I’m really curious why you’re using “we” and how you know so much about how it went?

Were you there? Were you told all the information you have by this other person? Was it recorded?

Edit: Also, thank you for posting the intro! It makes it much easier for others to know where you’re at with magick so we can respond in an appropriate way! Welcome to the forum!

Yes, I was told all this information by the person. Initially, he planned to invoke sitri and byleth together. Sitri was great but when he got to byleth, he felt a bit of a fragmented energy. so he decided not to and to go ahead with gremori instead on a different day. he’ll be working with gremori this week

No worries at all! Excited to be here :slight_smile:


My honest suggestion is that this person ask Sitri if he’s okay working with Gremori on this task. Sometimes, as I’ve said, what happens is that two spirits have different ways of going about things and instead of making magick more powerful, it clashes. So, when working with multiple sprits, one should always ensure all spirits are amenable to working together on either a target or for a common purpose.

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Thank you so much thats extremely helpful. I’ll ask him to do that. One question - if the spirits do agree, is layered love magick powerful? as in, how quickly and strongly does it work?

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It can be, especially depending on the magician and spirits called.

As quickly as the spirits agree and only as soon as the magician is able to make results manifest.

On the topic of strength, I unfortunately won’t answer that type of question specifically, however, there are lots of people who will answer you more clearly on this! But, I’ll give you a pretty standard warning, be ready for trouble when it does manifest.

I suggest you use the lovely magnifying glass at the top right to do a search of “love magick.” I also suggest you read some of the stories about the trouble they are capable of bringing. You’ll find some great methods for love/obsession magick and some great warning stories! I am not telling you what to do or telling you that you should/n’t follow through with this magick. Just advising you learn about a topic you’re interested in magick about!!

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Thank you so much! I’m gonna search some stories. My practitioner has a relationship with Sitri, However, he’ll be working for the first time with Gremori. But I do feel personally (not that I have practiced my magick, but solely based on each spirits’ strngths) that this should work to have a passionate and loving relationship with my ex again.

I have read quite a few stories about exes becoming obsessed after love magick so I’m trying to be as careful and mature about this as possible.

But I don’t know why, I just feel that Sitri and Gremori can do wonders together.

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Also heard that Gremori can make a poi fall in love with you just by looking into your eyes. not the ‘fairy tale’ love, but honest love. i think its so beautiful