Sigil Flashing: Consecration Explained & Simplified for Newbies

Oh yeah true… At least in my case the pressure in the head (or tension like you word it) is a thing. So i can approve that one too :smiley:

Also sometimes i get senses, like the sense of fear - even if i’m usually not scared at all but sometimes it creeps into me… Quite intensely even.


This is one awesome thread! :slight_smile:


I like these types of posts because most people overlook the simple things and this is where many will tend to struggle the most. I think the word ‘flash’ can be an unsuitable adjective as it gives the impression of flashing lights or something.

As already mentioned above, flashing just means that the whole of the sigil either at once, or in parts disappears and reappears again. After flashing it, I’ve had it literally in 3D giving the impression that its raised up off the paper to a degree.

I think many will become anxious and think after a period of time that it isn’t flashing mainly due to incorrect expectation and a fully attached state of consciousness. What I mean by this is that if you look at the sigil and try too hard, you will bring in the willpower which can keep the mind in a full state of attachment to the design, especially when you connect this to the anxiety of it not working.

(Isn’t this the same aspect responsable for many ritual failures due to willpower and anxiety…instead of just forgeting about it instead?)

I think the trick to it all is to relax, look at it with your eyes tilted upwards as this will immediately start putting the mind into the ‘Alpha’ regions. This definitely promotes a more relaxed state of mind without trying too hard to make it happen. Take the ‘will’ out of the equation by just looking at it in such a relaxed way, the image splits up but you just concentrate on one of those images and ignore the other.

This detached attitude along with the optical phenomena of movement will certainly get any sigil flashing. I do it all the time with other objects like my computer mouse > I stare at it in a relaxed state and the mouse tends to split up into two separate images but I only look at one and this makes it disappear pretty quickly.


Thanks for this! I was also a bit confused by the flashing part. I have seen the lines disappear and then re-appear, but always wondered if that was enough.


The effect changed for me over time. When I first started using sigils, sections of the sigil would disappear and reappear. Now the sigil kind of floats off the surface of the paper and looks like it is backlit. Kind of like the pic below.


For me the sigil starts to glow yellow behind the lines then it alternates from yellow to a blueish green. Then the lines start to disappear in sections until the entire thing fades away like the paper is blank. Then it reappears and starts to float off the paper, and that’s when the energy in the room changes and I can hear the spirit say, I am on my way.


This has answered a lot of questions for me. I’ve had many of the experiences you guys have described. Validation from the outside is always reassuring and motivational.


Thank you for writing about this, this can be very helpful for beginners working with sigils :slight_smile:

This thread deserves to be sticked to the top :slight_smile:

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Next time I talk to Timothy about the forum, I’ll raise the suggestion of a list of tutorials or something similar, meanwhile can people please PM me with any ideas or thoughts on this? Cheers! :slight_smile:


I think sigil opening bypass eye vision and the symbol enters your mind,opening the specific gate for the entity.Once the gate is open there’s a flow of the entity’s current into your energy body, which i’m sure it’s not the consciousness of the spirit it self, but his power.(this is why i had energy blasts)
From there, you have to follow the steps from koetting newsletter to pour your will and then feeding it with emotion.
In my case when i’m scrying on a sigil,some lines start to tremble,then they glow in white colour(if the drawing is black),then some of the lines disappear and reappear and finally i’m looking somewhere else and the sigil is in front of me,floating in the air for some seconds.

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I thought I would share my experiences with sigil use and my eyes.

I have very poor eyesight at the age of 50. In fact my right eye weeps nonstop and I have resorted to using an eye patch with a soft absorbant liner.

Now this is where the experiences I have are unique. I don’t I have ever heard of anyone having tried this before and it is very effective. With one eye open and the other seeing only darkness, the sigil “flashes”, however it’s in the darkness that visions appear.

Each time is totally different from the last. They are vivid and nightmarish at times and at others swaths of color on Vistas. But always the sigil remains overlaid the field of vision, like a watermark or superimposed signature.

I encourage others to give this a try. Think of it as sigil charging and invocation in stereo vision.

As a side note, even when I am not charging a sigil and simply going on about my day a vision may appear in my right eye. This can be as simple as small flashes of light to full figures of entities appearing like a hologram in a normal field of vision.


I like these types of posts because most people overlook the simple things and this is where many will tend to struggle the most. I think the word ‘flash’ can be an unsuitable adjective as it gives the impression of flashing lights or something.

As already mentioned above, flashing just means that the whole of the sigil either at once, or in parts disappears and reappears again. After flashing it, I’ve had it literally in 3D giving the impression that its raised up off the paper to a degree.

I think many will become anxious and think after a period of time that it isn’t flashing mainly due to incorrect expectation and a fully attached state of consciousness. What I mean by this is that if you look at the sigil and try too hard, you will bring in the willpower which can keep the mind in a full state of attachment to the design, especially when you connect this to the anxiety of it not working.

(Isn’t this the same aspect responsable for many ritual failures due to willpower and anxiety…instead of just forgeting about it instead?)

I think the trick to it all is to relax, look at it with your eyes tilted upwards as this will immediately start putting the mind into the ‘Alpha’ regions. This definitely promotes a more relaxed state of mind without trying too hard to make it happen. Take the ‘will’ out of the equation by just looking at it in such a relaxed way, the image splits up but you just concentrate on one of those images and ignore the other.

This detached attitude along with the optical phenomena of movement will certainly get any sigil flashing. I do it all the time with other objects like my computer mouse > I stare at it in a relaxed state and the mouse tends to split up into two separate images but I only look at one and this makes it disappear pretty quickly.[/quote] Wow,this thread lifted my spirits!! I have been feeling so spiritually drained due to this married woman I have been sending my magical energy to. I summoned Lucifer this morning. Besides,seeing his sidgil float & lines go in and out,I too see a double vision floating.Then,I bring my focus to “one”

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Something that worked for me very well is to press the stop button and imobilize everything.Mind,body,eyes,they all stop.The only thing that moving it’s the breath.I feel my facial muscles going tight and i can feel my pulse in the sigil i hold.I found this kind of meditation very effective and extremely fast(at least for me).

From that point the sigil opens it self.You don’t do it,visualize it,or push your self to see the lines going on and off.It’s just the effect of keeping your vision locked on something.

I think the easiest way to do it is to draw a single line in a piece of a blank paper,encircle it with a dvd and practise.The circle around the sigil acts as a focal point and make it easier for targeting and focusing.It’s like aiming at something to shoot.If it’s inside a circle,you have better chances to hit it.


This is exactly how i see,floating in the air and taking shape slowly,but the lines are perfect like a printed image,line by line with full precision…
I have a question about this topic…
why is there times that you see 2 or 3 sigils one after another and sometimes there are always one in the end that is huge full of details and geometric things,there are even words written but its so hard to see the whole thing,it looks like a board with so many details,not only lines like the sigils,but there is more things in it.
and why the manifestation takes full form before you see the sigil taking shapes

thank you very much,enjoying this forum so much,so many cool things to read and learn.

my english is not 100% to write but i did my best to say what i had in mind…


[quote=“samm, post:19, topic:5738”]I have a question about this topic…
why is there times that you see 2 or 3 sigils one after another and sometimes there are always one in the end that is huge full of details and geometric things,there are even words written but its so hard to see the whole thing,it looks like a board with so many details,not only lines like the sigils,but there is more things in it.
and why the manifestation takes full form before you see the sigil taking shapes[/quote]

That sounds similar to the chambers I’ve seen when I travelled to demonic realms - they’re large cubic chambers, and the back wall has shifting glyphs, I can never quite make them out and they change but without me being able to actually see them move (it’s not like watching words on a train station announcements board of something). Don’t know precisely what it means, I get the impression that the chamber or something about it “is” really the demon, and some project forth a human-like shape as a courtesy, but your description reminded me of it very strongly anyway - we may be seeing different aspects of the same basic phenomenon?

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i never had this experience in night time,the most clean experience that i’ve had was in the afternoon so,lots of light in the room,i wonder if i we could have a more clean vision in night time and in a room that there is no light because the lines and details seems to be more synchronized with the dark…dont know if im wrong but red,brass seems to be better to see in dark…
i like to stay with my eyes semi closed,it is weird because i can only see the manifestation if i stay like this,and i read alot of ppl saying that all this things are in our mind but if i close my eyes i can see nothing so how is that only in our mind if i need part of my eyes opened to see.

that’s what i don’t understand very well

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I’ve been sending the link for this to people a lot recently, so am bumping it for anyone who may benefit. :+1:

(Please note that RavensAscent hasn’t been on since Feb last year, so I’m not sure if they will return for any questions, BUT I think the post is so useful it deserves to be seen. :smiley: )


For me I am able to see certain sigils flash, but not others. Other times a sigil simply glows and my vision around the sigil gets dark but it doesn’t flash. Is this more or less the same thing?

Most of the sigils when they light up for me it’s like a large high powered lamp which is behind the white paper of the sigil and it glows through the paper sometimes it’s such a glow you can’t see the image. But my Lucifer sigil is on black card with silver ink for the sigil and when that lights up instead of white light coming through it. the double image that is a direct replica of the silver image and more or less makes it three dimensional is blacker than the black of the card and stands out even against the black background of the sigil card it’s self

Do you have to stare at the sigil without blinking? Or is it ok to blink? When I gaze at the sigil it comes off the paper a little but that’s all it does and the spirit never shows up… Is it because I’m blinking?

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