Seeing spirits in a lucid dream

Hi hope everyone is doing great i want to know is it possible to see spirits in a lucid dream like how you see them in the trance state because i worked with Azazel to acheive lucid dream and i succeed every time that i ask him for a lucid dream the next night i will have one but no matter how much i try to call him and other spirits durning a lucid dream i cant see them or hear them.
What do you think about this why i cant contact them in the dream?


I am also curious about this question?
Please someone answer this

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Idk why i cant see them because when im calling them i can feel a heavy pressure or floating sensation but no image or sound

I have heard stories about naamah visiting people in dream
Even having xxx in dreams

So it should be possible to talk to spirits but
I am just learner now
So i dont gurrantee my words.

But other members can answer maybe

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I’m happy to see your magick is improving since we last spoke Matin :wink:

Yes, it is indeed possible to see spirits in lucid dreams. Its not something I have much experience with personally, but others certainly do. As a matter of fact, @CyberLord just had an experience where he was able to see the spirit Ladilok in one of his lucid dreams

Perhaps he can give you some advice.



I imagine it’s because they are either taking forms you don’t expect them to or because your senses in dreamland aren’t as developed as you’d think.

I’ve had some experiences with both- entities often take the form of people I know somehow distantly, sometimes years ago or simply not well. This makes it’s hard to discern them sometimes, basically they are using a form your subconscious recognizes so it doesn’t throw you out of the dream state (or I suppose a dream walker can hide this way) or set off alarms. The trouble is the energetic form doesn’t last long before it runs out so they switch from one body to next.

I’ve noticed if I’m lucid enough to be aware of entities I am beginning to sense whether or not they are just an energetic blob or something from the outside.

I’ve also discovered you can question them- if they don’t know who they are, or if your dreaming or not, it’s usually just an energetic blob produced by your subconscious for the dream state.

If they can respond coherently your know it’s an entity.

Now on the flip side, I’ve had Hecate make shades come out of the ground in my dreams and scare me shitless, and I ran because I wasn’t lucid enough to know what was going on.

I’ve also recently realized I have practically zero clairsentience in dreamland.

Even when I’m lucid, even when I successfully absorb an energy form, or do something else similar- I notice I don’t feel the energy moving at all.

I can quite easily work with energy in my waking life, so it’s surprising. I know it’s a matter of practice, as much has been clearly indicated to me.

But hell I didn’t even know my dreamscape senses were separate from the Clair and astral senses, so there is this to consider.


Wow thanks now i understand. I feel them in the dream but can see or hear them also i saw a dancing shadow when i called Lucifuge maybe that was his form. The reason i ignored this experience was because i didnt expect it i expect to see him like his picture.

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Yeah that has been my biggest challenge with dream work, I’m not usually expecting them in the form they take.

Understanding why they take forms unexpectedly like that has helped me to recognize them a lot easier.


That’s surprising, for me it’s the contrary. I will know who it is, almost instantly, but in the “waking life”, almost nothing.

They don’t really take the form you would expect. I’ve had Belial showing up in 3 different way, and in the first one he looked like a light being. Really got me confused.


I have seen many spirits in my dreaming (lucid). A couple I just knew who they were (Dantalion and im pretty sure Paimon) and Hecate-though she called out to me via other people talking about her that usually would not. Some I am a bit unsure of like Belial. I also see spirits of those i knew who passed. I think they take “forms” not to scare you/me.

My body reacts when im sleeping and i can tell when something is happening in my dream (ok… sexually) because I will somehow notice it in my body as well. Clear as mud… I also gain information of others in my dreams through messages from the spirits and entities.


Yeah it seems like it’s backwards for me lol. I think I’ve probably taken it for granted that I’ve had lucid dreams since childhood- I’ve never really tried to get more skilled. I’ll record my dreams for a day or two then quit because I have such long dream scenes or so many that I’ll spend hours recording it all, and if it’s real important I’ll remember anyways…

So I’ve been lazy.


I think you need to practice how to use your overall senses in lucid dream, try to observe more of the details of things in lucid. You must help yourself to manifest in lucid dreams. Like by calling the Spirit you want, visualise a door and before opening it say and feel like when you open the door they will be the spirit you are calling on the other side, don’t try to see visualise how That spirit will look like on the other side, you can use this kind of trick, or you can fly and imagine that as you flying higher and higher you ll be in the realm of the spirit. When you see a light or a kinda of cloud, fly into it without thinking, the rest will be done by your mind as you already made your Affirmation to be into the spirit you want to see earlier

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I’ve “evoked” spirits while lucid dreaming. I did this with Lilith but instead of her showing up as a person, her sigil manifested in 3D like in the sky glowing. It was interesting lol. Other times the direction of my dream completely changed when I tried to evoke her. Like when I was having a nightmare and had a moment of breif lucidity, I called out to her for help – and the scene of the dream changed to me falling down into a dark strange looking place and waking up as I was falling. (It’s really hard to describe what the area I fell into looked like…)

These images don’t really describe it well but:

Basically I fell down through something like this, but instead of blue it was grey/black…void like…

The land was made like this, everything was made up stone and there were like these giant cement/stone -like large cube structures in the air (suspended?) And large stone structures on the ground too. It was really weird lol. These pictures don’t really describe it well. It was very geometric/3D and the sky was nothing (void) and below nothing (void) too.


Thanks everyone for your great response i ask Azazel for another lucid dream and got it but i wasnt able to hold it because i got distracted by some sexual stuff.

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Great i will try to do it every night and i will post the reault

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Sometimes i can feel my arms durning the lucid dream