Seeing 11 in very random places

Does 11 have a specific meaning?

Long story short, I know someone who had an 11 in roman numerals scratched on their butt cheek.

We laughed about it and all due to the location, but all I can think of is new beginnings for spiritual meaning.

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Hello, look at this post Synchronisation - Communicating with divine


Thank you! Reading the meaning makes the situation even funnier to me, as the person has a peculiar interest in toilet humor.

I don’t have experience with Belphegor, but it would be funny if that was his way of reaching out too!

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11 is the number of the Abyss on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. Might be a sign to investigate the Qliphoth.

Maybe! I will look more in to it!

I swear me and my friend were goofing around making silly role-playing characters, my friend made a character with fart magic, then the 11 appears on my friends butt…Hahaha something is definitely going on.

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