Ritual with Samael

I am interested in evoking Samael for bane. Anyone any experience on candle colours, incense and preferred times and days for him?

Any results from working with him are welcome too.

Here you go:


I just found that site too. You can try what it suggests but honestly he’s one of the ones that doesn’t require all of that. Just meditate and talk. Any time of day. Time is irrelevant for them. But again if you need it totally fine. Or if you feel there’s something you want present that isn’t listed totally fine. Do what feels right for you.


That is amazing…thank you

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I use this Sigil and another one…

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This one I did draw myself from the original:

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Thank you. x

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Thanks Borgy. I usually do Bane with Lucifer or Belial. How would Samael differ in bane for destruction of a troublesome and dangerous target? Do you find him responsive ? fast?

I am just curious as Lucifer tends to be cold and calculating for me in bane, Belial goes apeshit …just wondered as I am new to Arc Angels

I see Samael as a Mask of Lucifer…
Lucifer is still an Archangel in my opinion and he has got another role beside that. But the energies (masks) can do different things for you.
I’m not an expert in ban. I think indeed Lucifer is more calculating and won’t do anything you ask… Samael could get faster results in ban because he is not that calculating. But that’s why I read of him. Samael is more an expert in ban because of his Archangel of Death Role and his Adversary (Judgement) role. Please posts your experience here. I work with Samael on necromancy, my own strength/fears etc… Pretty good teacher.


I agree with you about Lucifer. He said something similar to me once years ago very briefly about also being Angelic

I am going to evoke Samael at the new year for sure when my altar items arrive for him

That is very interesting, thank you

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Thanks for sharing!


That link is amazing with so much info. :+1: