Ritual for serphanticon

Recently I’ve received a channeling from a member on the forum about a dream I had. Within this dream, I saw a sigil of Serphanticon.
The rest of the details Help identify a sigil in my dream - #25 by TheUmbra

Ok so onto the ritual.
The set up I went with looked like this

I sat there and meditated for a good 15 minutes to get into the perfect state of contact. I kinda achieved it but I could tell it wasn’t full. I called Belial to protect the ritual space from imposters and went on calling serphanticon. I repeated his name and requested that he come and introduce himself to me. I sat and was receptive and was actively trying to make some sort of connection. I had no luck with this, so I just went back to meditating and felt like I was drifting but once again no sign that serphanticon has come. This ritual went on for about 1 hour of fully trying to concentrate and make contact. Nothing. I would normally blame this on inexperience but I’ve made contact with spirits before, Belial mainly. I’ve received images and full visions from spirits, but for some reason this was different.

Any tips?

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Some entities dont cause physical evocation. I have had beings barely give signs of their presence. To make sure they are there I use a pendulum and then try something again.

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I’m planning to try again tomorrow after work. The only method that I have like that is my cards. And I don’t like doing readings on myself or for myself. But in the end, I did offer meat and did use 4 sticks of incense. So hopefully he at least looked over it.

Any other ways to identify the presence of a spirit if their presence is not as strong?

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Oh just have playing or tarot cards. Major arcana for yes and minor for no.

Ok I can do yes and no fairly easy with black and red

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Check this out. I finally got the exact sigil from my dream.

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Ooooooook. I met him.

His enn: sers aka Serphanticon.

The second I did this he showed me pyromancy his pyromancy.

Some quotes or sayings I got from him:
" you influenced my form, but I influenced your mind to be me". I see this as I create him, but he influences the creation of the mind to be himself.

All his heads are him, but not at the same time. All his heads are connected but have individual minds. His heads are like trials, I have to master commitment to speak to his next head.

His appearance:
He introduced himself by ripping half my face off with his bony head. I didn’t flinch to show fear, and he tested me a bit farther. I didn’t fold and he calmed down and decided to answer questions. He had a huge tooth on his upper jaw, it was one singular tooth that stuck forward. His bottom jaw fit comfortably under his upper jaw. He had huge spike-like teeth. His entire head was bony but on the way down his neck his scaled looked malted and decomposed, all the way down till the scales looked brand new.

What he can do:
Serphanticon’s first head has power over divination, he can alter readings. He altered mine at the beginning. I asked if he will show when I do the ritual, the cards, and no. I did it anyway and poof, he showed. This leads on to testing commitment. He likes to teach commitment and will test you often. He is also a pyromancer. He lit one of my incense on fire completely. He also attracts snakes.

The final question I had was:

Q: Why did Belial send you to me?

A: you lacked the commitment to go any further with Belial, that’s why I am here. I will teach you how to commit and go all in.

That’s all I was able to get out of him before he dismissed himself I thanked him generously and left the ritual. I am so fucking happy! This worked completely in my favor and I need to start listening. Thank you serphanticon, thank you eternally.


Congrats man I’m happy you got everything right

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Thank you. I wouldn’t have met him if you didn’t do that channeling.

Fate would’ve given him to you anyways. I’m just a intermediary

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