Repelling a cat who invades my yard

A neighborhood cat comes around a lot looking for my cat, who he has previously chased (I stopped it). Does anyone know how to keep it away without hurting it?

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Plant catnip on the other side of the yard.

I don’t think that will help. He is an aggressive cat who wants to bother my female cat.

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When you say “load a stone” do you mean putting my intention into it?

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Yes, please PM me. Thank you for your help

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NP, let me look through my stuff and I’ll write back to you



Female cats only become fertile after being sufficiently gang-banged by male cats’ barbed penises that they ovulate.

Male cats subdue female cats by gripping the back of their necks with their teeth, something mother cats do with kittens and which makes them stop resisting.

This means that cat sexual relations are complex, and “I don’t like you very much” is not a signal tomcat-kind tends to think is important.

Is your female cat spayed (with an ovaro-hysterectomy)?

Has she ever had a litter? Spayed female cats can sometimes get toms’ attention if they’ve been spayed after a litter, why that is, I don’t know.


Get a big dog

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When I had cats, I used cayenne pepper to keep them from messing around in one particular area of my livingroom and chewing my cable cord. It did the job & they never went back even after I cleaned up the pepper. One sniff and they stayed away. You can try motion detector sprinklers, motion detector noise alarm, scat mats, spraying with a water, or cat repellant granuals.


She is spayed and has never had a litter. And had her ovaries taken out due to a tumor,

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Try evoking the male cat’s Higher Self and warning him off, by adapting this:

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I don’t remember if it was a post here or if it was in a book, but I read about someone who mentioned that they successfully helped a friend keep birds away from a field by use of a servitor.

Before the servitor, birds would eat the crop but the servitor kept them away. Of course I wasn’t there, and therefore cannot tell if this story is true. If it is, however, it would stand to reason that a servitor could also keep unwanted cats away :slight_smile:

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Crush the juice out of some oranges around your place. Cats hate oranges, one whiff and hes gonna bail.
You can leave the peels there if you wish to.

You may have to take rain into account however, for obvious reasons.

Or if a neighbourhood dog could pee there, that could help.

All mundane stuff, but its worked in the past.

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