Regular sex can improve your relationship with a God?

If you’re innately attracted to them, and they also express interest, yes.

Be aware though that many will keep pushing for more, not just sex but also longer term commitment, marriage, etc., seeking to make you their vessel and aligning your work with their own agenda, so you need to know your boundaries, and make very certain you truly appreciate this spirit and what they do and are and stand for, including the “darker” elements found in their traditions and lore.

We have a very different culture these days to the ancient people who honoured classical pantheons and we can sometimes try to gloss over elements of what these gods wanted and expected from their believers.

Spirits are excellent manipulators as well, which is why we ask them for help with other people, but they can and will use this on you, so be sure before getting involved that you are going to basically be okay with that spirit having (arguably) a disproportionate amount of influence in your life.

My guide to pacts (tl;dr is draw your boundaries harder and wider than you think you may need) here: