Reason I been sharing many money spells

Wish me luck, too. I’m going to try the knot spell.

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I did the math, and this is literally, if I keep chanting endlessly, with breaths in between every now and then and not eating and drinking.

Like 17 hours straight, did you really do this for 17 hours straight?

Well Imma try and finish what I’ve already done, but I had to break, I think Imma try 10 hours straight today, as I did 5 hours straight yesterday.

Then finish the rest of it tomorrow (the knot ritual)

took me around 9 hours to do cause i didnt stop. But then I do alot of chanting and been doing it for years.

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making knot ritual, are the most common, really never fail rituals, as they seal the deal with each knot, the more its said the more each knot is charged and sealed for you to receive.

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Thanks, I’ll still finish it, I just can’t do it all at once.

I simply don’t have the constitution, not even the will, I did it for hours and was constantly almost passing out after the last few.

But I gave it a break for one day, simply due to circumstance and I can still feel loads of power in the rope, and I’m no adept, or even amatuer, really just an initiate.

So if I can feel it,it must be working.

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Just remember what I told you, in our messages and it’ll work :slight_smile:

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One last thing, the knots, I’ve been knotting them along the thread in a consecutive line.

I’m not meant to put the knots directly ontop of one another am I?

Well either way I think it’ll work, I can feel teh power a lot now, it’s hard to hold the thread.

So just wanted the most optimal way.

separate knot per knot so your doing it right. even if you cant get 108 knots on one, you just stop and go with the amount you got either way money is coming

I did it! I fucking did it!

The knot one, The full thing! All 108!

Like 54,000+ chants, god damn i’m exhausted lol! I did it!



Please update with how it went.

I will

No insane riches yet, for an over 50,000 time chat (roughly 54,000 times)

But I’m still giving it time to work.

Riches come over time, never all at once even winning the lotto will make you wait weeks to get the money. Riches can come in many ways valuable things to sell to make the money, business, a good job with high pay. It will not come into your lap just sitting go on with life and do things and watch them come, don’t think about it all the time.


I mean you did say it was rituals for people that need stuff right now.

Also those types of results are usually from chanting 100 times every couple days.

Not a big 54+k chant ritual, which was insane work.

Still I know it will, just making a point, thanks.

I’m gonna do the candle one too soon.

Did the candle one, the next daymy stock went stupidly up, more than it has in like 6 months or a year.

  • Some other shit and earned me like 3 grand altogether.

Prettily.easily with no work.

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I am ready to try your spells. I have to live another way. Cuz this is no longer the way to go. Thank you for sharing. I will start with green candle

Welcome back to the forum @Channelxgtug Please make your next post a proper introduction as is required here.

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