Reading peoples emotions it is very odd to say the least

It seem like I can read peoples minds but only the emotion to it like some one has a cunt and is ashamed of it or some one cheating or other thing like that is like I can read minds

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I think I see what you’re trying to say: you have a good feel for people’s emotions, much like an empath?

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Someone made a post on empaths, about a month back. You might want to give it a read

Hey bud, try taking it to the next level why don’t you join us for telepathy game and hone those tatural talents and start being able to read thoughts as well. As time goes on you will start to notice phenomenon like knowing a friend is about to call then you hear the phone ring and it’s them! Also there are plenty here including myself who would be happy to help you advance in this. Check out the Telepathy game here ---->


I would like to advance in this area like I can read what the demon on what they would like to train me in and other things like that.

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I gave you some advice on who to work with in our messages :wink: that is their territory too :slight_smile:

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I can feel people’s emotions as they were mine. It is very bothering to me. I always have to put barriers and raise protection barriers up and constantly clean my energy field. If I don’t do that by the end of the day I am totally fried up.

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I have attempted to evoke her but only failed at it.It’s like I have the knowledge about the demons but I can not see them or her them but when I try and leave this path they lust wont let me is it like obsession.