Rain and weather magic (trying to help the fire situation in cali)

I have a Friend that believes that, it’s incredibly sad to hear him talk like that about himself. The fact that it’s manufactured just pisses me off honestly.

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People have been brainwashed worse than thinking “humans are all lowly sinners, and ye black death is God’s wrath.” The cringe is real! :laughing:


Best spell to do at this time is one that opens the eyes of others.

Also concealment but thats a different subject.

Reality itself is a program.Maya is an illusion.
And I get loving the self is somehow related to awakening and all that self empowerment stuff but the significance of man on a macrocosmic scale is negligible this is facts

Being told that you are a virus doesn’t necessarily imply that you ought to be a slave or let things walk all over you.

Reality is only as we perceive and react to the string of events arising from thought.

But in order to do magick you must in some way “evoke omnipotence” so, all that “know your place, man is a freakin’ virus, a fern has more right to life than you and all the people you love the most” stuff is directly contrary to being an effective magician. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Unless you believe in creationism, the conventional history of the earth’s formation shows that it was incredibly unliveable even for simple bacteria for most of its existence.

The idea one of the brightest advanced species currently on the planet should enter self-abasing, self-erasing mode is obscene, and tok a lot of brainwashing to get people to accept that level of guilt and self-hatred. It won’t do you any favours on magick… :thinking:


Lel. He says “every mammal instinctively creates an equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans are not.”
What bs is that.
Animals and plants do not live in harmony together and create a socialist equilibrium.
In a european mixed forest, the beech tree dominates all others. Why is it not the only tree in the forest you ask?
Because the european aurochs (when it was still around) did eliminate enough beech trees by eating their bark. And they ate them all. Why did the aurochs not wipe out the beech trees? Because bears, wolves and humans killed the aurochs.
The equilibrium is created by several species killing each other, not by a random animal thinking “Oh I’ve had enough babies in my life, I’m going to stop now for the sake of the other species.”
And this equilibrium swings from side to side, it is not always the same. In some years there are a lot of mice, until they’ve eaten so much and the population is so big that they starve and they actually start killing each other, no joke.

The fact that we humans free turtles from plastic straws because we realised it was our fault, and we want to save this animal, is more than any other species of wild animals ever did for other species.

Humans. Are. Not. A. Virus.
Go google the characteristics of a virus.


Well maybe not a virus but a cancer definitely.

The only difference between us and other animals on this planet is that because of our intellect we found ways to survive most of this worlds threats so well that we now dominate other species of animals.

Look, animals destroy their habitats.
The bark beetle destroys whole pine woods if you let him.
Elefants destroy their habitat completely by killing old trees which other species depend on.

Again, the fact that we realised that we are destroying our habitat and are trying to change it, shows that we are not a sickness.
And don’t tell me that “trying is not enough and nobod is really doing anything”, because that’s simply not true. There is a lot being done already, do your research.


Shit! Right on Sister!

There it is in a nutshell.
