RadioactiveNeckbeard's Journal

Thank you for writing something interesting! :smiling_face:

I am so happy that you found my post interesting. Here are some more hieroglyphs just for you (and for fun). More great content coming soon!

π“€™ 𓁄𓀀𓁙𓀄 π“ˆπ“”π“€™π“–π“–π“€„π“ 𓁐𓀀𓁐𓁃 π“€™π“π“–π“€„π“”π“€„π“•π“–π“€™π“π“€ˆ π“–π“„π“€™π“π“€ˆπ“• 𓀁𓁗𓁖 𓁖𓁄𓀄𓁃 𓀀𓀄𓀄𓁑 π“€ˆπ“€„π“–π“–π“€™π“π“€ˆ 𓁔𓀄𓁐𓁒𓁙𓀄𓀃 𓀁𓁃 𓁖𓁄𓀀𓁖 𓀀𓁐𓀀𓀰 𓁔𓀄𓁖𓀄𓁐𓁖𓀙𓁙𓀄 𓁐𓁒𓀃 𓀄𓁔𓀀𓁖𓁒𓁔 𓁐𓁗𓀰𓀁𓀄𓁔𓁔𓁃

Today I realized that it’s already been 10 years since I became a Satanist. Wow, what an amazing and liberating Journey it’s been for me.

I have learned so much during this time. Although it hasn’t always been easy, I can truly say that I am better off! So grateful for everything, and I am so grateful for finding this path.