Questions about channeling. How do I identify when is real and when is scam?

Good evening.
I’m thinking in purchase a channeling, not from anyone from the forum that I’m aware of(if they are in the forum I don’t know and I apologize to them in case they read this, is not personal)
I don’t know the person. I was asking to talk to a deity, to a deity talk to me to be more precisely and while I was doing a random search about Nyx(nothing related) I found this person’s blog that offers channeling for a friendly price. I’m not sure if the deity sent me in the direction of this person or not, so I’m taking all precautions to not get scammed.

I asked some questions to the person, but I’m not used to channeling so I don’t know if any of their answers would be a red flag. I would appreciate if anyone could tell me this.

I asked if the conversation could be in another language that not English, a language that the person doesn’t know, they told me they couldn’t, because would be in their mind. Does this make sense? Cause the deity will talk to me, knowing me, will know things that the person doesn’t, right? So couldn’t know a language too or this would only be possible in possession?

They assured me that I would be talking to the deity Themself, wouldn’t be like They were sending me a message through the person. Is this correct?

Would the deity know me and tell me things about me or something else that only the deity/spirit would know. Maybe something I told the deity in some intention letter or summoning but that I didn’t told to the person channeling, would the deity through the person be able to tell me about such things? A assurance that I’m indeed talking with the deity. Or would there be a limitation of what the person knows? They told me this:
“Since you have worked a bit with…, they will remember you. You don’t have to tell them your name. And yes, they can tell you some things that I don’t know, especially if you have questions about themself or the spirit realm.”
Does this sounds okay?

What other questions should I ask them and what answers should I get to verify they are legit?

I once again apologize in case the person is in the forum and read this, I feel bad with the idea, but is a world full of scams, we need take all precautions and form of verification before not just pay for something but also before trust a important conversation. So in case they are reading this, I say: sorry, hope you understand :slight_smile:


Yes, this is normal… the entity talks to the persons subconscious, and that is interpreted by thier conscious into their language. The subconscious doesn’t speak any language, as language is an invention of humans to make up for not being telepathic, and it talks in symbols. The conscious is the part that has the language skills, so it’s interpreting the descriptive impressions into a language known to the operator.

Yes, but again it will use symbols and descriptive impressions, so this is where interpretation can get tricky, if the operator doesn’t have any experience in memory by which to understand what they are seeing, it gets hard to explain and their nearest equivalent may sound strange. Most channeling is very accurate, but it’s the interpretation and conscious mind’s inserts into the process that is wrong.
If the channeler is good, they will describe it you to exactly as they see it, not try to identify it, and ask you what it means, not try to make up a story around it.

In this case you will have your own conscious mind analysing and adding to the mix, so try to ask questions more than assuming anything, to get as much data as possible.

Nothing is hidden, so all deities know everything if they want to. But yes between the channeler, until they channel it they would not know. It’s up to the channeler to confirm it’s the right entity.
You will know that this is from the deity and not the channeler by the information you get, yes.

Yes this is correct. Again, the info coming though doesn’t have to be understood by the channeler for them to pass it on, but then they may not be able to explain it, only describe it. They don’t know what the target is.

Imagine them getting small jigsaw puzzle pieces of info not the whole picture at once, which you can’t look at they have to describe to you, and how hard it would be to describe the picture based on each piece one by one… but now also imagine it’s not one puzzle, there are multiple pieces from other puzzles which are not the target you’re interested in… you have to ask enough questions to get enough pieces to get the right ones together to see the picture.
That’s often what it’s like. They might get whole chunks as well, but they still have to describe them to you they can’t just show you (because if they could you wouldn’t need them).

Look within and follow your intuition. If it sounds off, it probably is. If it sounds like the interpretation is off, just take the description and make your own interpretation.

So far, this person sounds like they know what they are talking about. :slight_smile:

In general, expect some interpretations that are not on target, allow yourself to feel your way through and keep what works and don’t worry about the rest. Trusting your intuition on this will help you develop your own skills too. :slight_smile:


Channeling Astaroth was uh, fun. She loved to speak in half-truths and I gave her too much leeway on that. Perfect love and perfect trust my ass. Yeah, that is just to remind you that just cause you have gotten something channeled doesn’t mean the entity is going to agree with you on important stuff. I got in over my head emotionally and basically messed up my life more.


So If I understood correct the person will still be fully in control of their thoughts and mind, and will receive images and feelings, like receive a message from the deity and they will send this message to me? Saying all they saw and felt?
Than it won’t be a conversation WITH the deity Themself?
I had asked them and they told that me would be a conversation between me and the deity, not a copy and paste message. So I’m confuse now.
Will I be actually talking with the deity or just receiving real time messages?

Thank you btw :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the warning. Hope things get better.

With channelling, what you generally get are the words of the spirit filtered, coloured, and interpreted by the mind of the channel.

One of the most difficult things for a channel to do is to get their own minds completely out of the way, and resist the urge to interpret what the spirit is saying, rather than simply relaying it.

Before you purchase a channelling from someone, I recommend picking up a copy of Spirit Relations by Bill Duvendack. The book gives a great breakdown of what exactly channelling is, what it isn’t, and how it differs from mediumship.


That is really well explained, I’m going to use that exact verbage when I explain that to others now.

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Would you mind sharing more about this?

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