Psychology & Related Debate

Hi, i was linked to this thread by Lady Eva a week ago.

I’m not going to get into a long drawn-out debate over psychology or therapy.

My original post included the following words: ‘(I have) advised people with mental health issues to stay as far the fuck away from magick as possible. (Mental health issues are) better handled by psychiatrists and other medical doctors who can administer drugs or recommend surgery.’

Notice i said psychiatrists and other medical doctors, not psychologists or therapists. Psychology and therapy are different from psychiatry and surgery. Psychiatrists and surgeons are medical doctors. Psychologists and therapists are personal counsellors, which is useful but not of the same level of expertise or authority as actual doctors.

At this point in time, psychology is changing because of neuroscientific discovery. MRI machines such as EEG/ECG/EGG/EMG monitors give psychology a view into brain function, and the introduction of MEG/MCG/MGG/MMG squids may begin to add in the measurement of biomagnetic properties, which haven’t been considered in science until now due to lack of computational power.

I don’t know where all of this will lead. All i know is that humanity doesn’t have a deep understanding the human mind at this point in time, so you have to guard your mental health and hope for the best until science figures something out. Losing your sanity puts you on thin ice, so protect your mental health at all cost.