Praying Mantice I am seeing it Everywhere

What is its symbol what does it want to tell me it is allways over my car.


Are these black praying mantises? This could be a warning that something is present regarding a hex or other casting that when one put’s their guard down it strikes.

green big ones they are over my car and my fathers car once I saw allways 1 it gives me a sign

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today it freaked me out it was on my door handle not letting me in and trying to get my attention.

Patience …

Wait for your prey to come to you.


Those are a few.


The Praying Mantis is associated with the great Goddess Lamastu/Dimme, an ancient deity very feared. Here is a link to my post on this forum, within it I have included a bit about the Praying Mantis.

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will she kill me

I playid this to help me and it did is this her

If she was planning to kill you I doubt she would send you her minions to warn you :wink:
Maybe she wants to work with you.


is the god in above her I allso worked with vine from goetia who also is a tiger being

What do you mean?

the god in the picture of the clip youtube

Well, as with any demon, there are many different appearances:

But tbh, I wouldn’t overvalue this,and certainly I wouldn’t be afraid. If it gives you peace, you can try to contact Lamashtu and ask if she tried to talk to you.

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I find this post intriguing. I’ve never had a demon reach out to me. Or maybe I’ve never sought out one. And I’ve always thought a praying mantis was a good omen. But I follow a form of magic to get signs and learn lessons from nature.

Here is something you can read:


Your post of the drawings made me think of The Thunder Bird. The Lamashtu Asakka-Ugallu form.
